Autumn 8 Software Manual

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  • Darlene Wheeler
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1 Users Guide Autumn8 CASEnotes tgi Software Customer Care

2 CONTENTS Contents.. 2 First Things First..BEFORE you Start the program!!!.. 6 GENERAL INFORMATION:.. 6 Quick Start.. 7 Instructions for Using Passwords and Logging In (DO THIS SECOND).. 7 Setting Preferences and Initializing the Appointment Book (DO THIS THIRD).. 8 Program Preferences..8 Appointment Book Setup in the Preferences screen..9 Master Files CLINIC..10 PROVIDER..10 Insurance Companies..12 Master Diagnoses..12 PROCEDURE CODES..13 PROCEDURE SETS..14 PROSPECTS..15 ADD or EDIT MAILING LISTS..15 EDI Receivers..15 Pick patient PATIENT DATA ENTRY General Information..18 Entering a new patient: Entering the Patient's Insurance Information..19 Required Fields (to produce a Paper claim)..19 Hold-Ups..20 Other Dates and Information..20 Patient s Account..20 Personalized Messages on Statements..21 Referral Source..21 This Patient

3 Patient's Diagnosis Using the Appointment Book What the controls do..24 Setting a New Appointment (or Dropping In)..24 Checking a Patient In/Out..24 Charges..25 Quick Payment..25 Next Appointment..25 Changing a Patient s Appointment Multiple Appointments..26 Choose create new set..26 ONE PATIENT'S APPOINTMENTS..27 Printing Appointments for One Patient..27 Canceling a patient's appointment..27 Reschedule Appointment..27 Cancel Appointment, leave on book..28 Change Appointment Type..28 Show All Appointments for Patient..28 Delete All Appointments for this Patient..28 Printing/Clearing/Compacting Appointments CHARGES Entering Charges Entering Procedure Sets..30 Entering Charges One at a Time..30 A FEW THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT THE CHARGE SCREEN..30 EDIT CHARGES..30 DELETE A CHARGE..31 QUICK PAYMENT Default Charges Applying Insurance Payments Entering a payment..33 on-screen buttons..35 menu options..36 Map CLAIM Forms Creating and modifying a new claim form..37 PROCESS CLAIMS PRINT CLAIMS Form alignment

4 Claim printing options..40 RE-PRINTing CLAIMS..42 Print Electronic Claims..43 Print Image Claims..43 ANSI X12 EDI Claims..43 PRINT STATEMENTS Printing Reports Daily Activity Report..46 Holdups..46 Print Letters..46 Print Mailing Labels..47 Print Monthly, Weekly, or YEARLY Stats..47 Print Receivables Reports..47 HIPAA compliant edi Master Files, Provider..47 Master Files, Insurance..48 Patient Data..49 NETWORKING tgi..programs tgi CASEnotes SET-UP CLINIC INFO AND DEFAULTS..51 GENERATING FORMS Instructions for Printing and Customizing the Travel Card Customizing the Travel Card Masters..53 Print Lists of Pre-loaded selections..53 HOW DO I? ENTER A PATIENT..55 Subjective Complaints..55 The pre-loaded list of subjective complaints may be modified by choosing Master Files from the main screen EDIT A PATIENT..57 ENTER A VISIT..57 Using 'VISITS' method..57 Pre-Post Service Work..58 Subjective Information..59 Patient Assessment..59 Objective Findings..59 Assessment..62 Plan..63 Treatment..63 Diagnosis..64 Testing

5 Using 'ONE SCREEN VISITS' Method..64 Viewing Previous Visits..65 Subjective Information..66 Patient Assessment..66 Objective Findings..66 More Objective Findings..66 Treatment..68 Plan..69 Testing..69 Pre-Post..69 Saving the Visit..70 EDIT AN EXISTING VISIT..70 Using VISITS Screen..70 ENTER A NEW EXAM Vitals..72 Examination..72 Inspection..72 Palpation..73 Range of Motion..73 Orthopedic Tests..73 Neurological Exam..74 Psychological Factors..74 Myotome Testing..74 Pain Sensation..74 Dynamometer..75 Diagnosis/Prognosis..75 Proprioceptive System..75 Treatment Plan..76 EDIT AN EXAM..76 ENTER A NEW X-RAY REPORT..77 EDIT AN EXISTING X-RAY REPORT..78 ENTER ACCIDENT INFORMATION..79 BUILD A NARRATIVE..79 EDIT AN EXISITING NARRATIVE..81 EDITING REPORTS (From Preview Mode)..81 PRINT REPORTS Print Visit Notes..81 Print Exam Only Treatment Plan Only..82 X-ray Report Only..82 Symptoms/History Report..83 Entire Narrative..83 DELETE A PATIENT..83 DELETE A VISIT

6 DELETE AN EXAM..84 MODIFY PRELOADED LIST CHOICES..84 Backups Creating Backups Do them every day!!!..85 Creating backups on cd s..86 Using the TGI Utilities Data Repair..87 Restoring a Backup..87 FIRST THINGS FIRST..BEFORE YOU START THE PROGRAM!!! Computer Settings Display Area: 800x600 or higher (Start Settings Control Display Settings Desktop Area Panel Short Date Style: MM/dd/yyyy (Control Panel Regional Settings Date GENERAL INFORMATION: If you would like the appointment screen to always come up as the main screen when the program opens, check the appropriate box in the 'Preferences' screen. The patient may be chosen in the patient screen by either clicking on the actual name of the patient, choosing the first letter of the last name from the letter list, typing in the first letters of the last name in the last name box, or typing the patient s PIN in the PIN box. The program is equipped with several 'Hot Keys'. You may press these keys from anywhere in the program to access different data and perform certain functions. F2 will close the currently open screen, including closing the program if the Main Screen is the only window open. F3 brings up the patient list and then goes directly into patient information and insurance screen. F4 will always bring up the patient list, and you may enter a new patient and access other patient information from the patient list screen. F5 brings up the patient list, then diagnosis screen. F6 brings up the patient list, then charge screen. F7 brings up the post/apply payment screen. F8 brings up the Quickpay Screen. F9 brings up the Appointment book Screen. F10 Toggles hides an input screen, and displays the Appt. Book, then toggles back to that input screen. F11 brings up the Statement Screen. F12 brings up the calculator. 6

7 QUICK START.. Make sure computer settings are correct for display and dates! Set up User(s) (Master Files - User) Set up Preferences; appt. book settings default city, state, zip, clinic hours, visit length. Add Clinic information (Master Files - Clinic) Add Provider(s) information (Master Files - Provider) Set up Procedures: (Master Files-Procedures); edit the fees for existing procedures, or add new procedures. Add first patient (Patient - Pick patient - Add patient) Add Insurance Company - from patient screen, or from main screen, Master Files, Insurance Cos. Add Insurance Information for patient. You are now ready to add appointments, diagnoses, charges, payments, process claims, print claims, print reports etc. 1. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING PASSWORDS AND LOGGING IN (DO THIS SECOND) The first time you enter the program, it will bring you to a screen allowing you to input some information it will need for the future. Please create a User ID, input your name, and a password. Your User ID can be up to 10 characters in length, but it is suggested that you keep it short, such as your initials, or the number 1. Each User must have a unique ID. Your Name is, well, your name. It does not have to be unique, but probably will be. You password should be short (20 characters or less) easy to remember, but not easy for someone else to guess. It is suggested that everyone keep their password a secret, because the program will assign your user ID to certain procedures carried out in the program, such as deleting charges, or changing payment dates (See Auditing below). you will be asked to enter it twice, and test it.. because the actual letters are hidden.. to protect your privacy. The program will ask (actually, it requires) you to Log in each time you enter the program. You will be 7

8 asked to enter your User ID and password at that time. The currently logged on user's name is displayed above the appointment book on the main screen of the program. Add New USERS by going to Master Files Users. The input screen has instructions for adding new users' accounts. Anyone who may need to access the program should personally go to that screen, and add themselves, so that they may enter the program. Each user, by default, is set to a Level 5. This means they may access all areas of the program AND change the levels of other users. You may want everyone except the for the program administrator (the office manager, clinic owner, or IT department head) set to a level 6 or higher. Level 6 has full access, but can not change others level number. The levels screen has a full description of what each level can or can not do. You may change the user logged on by going to File, on the Main Screen, and choosing 'Log On different User'. This will effectively 'Log Off' the current user, once a new User successfully logs on. The only way to guarantee you have been logged off, if not watching someone else log on, is to leave the program. SETTING PREFERENCES AND INITIALIZING THE APPOINTMENT BOOK (DO THIS THIRD) From the Main Menu, Choose Preferences, set program preferences. PROGRAM PREFERENCES At the top of the screen, you will see several buttons to choose the type of Preference you want to set. Appointments (see next section), Patients; Statements, Claims, Receipts; and Misc. are the categorical preference choices on this screen. Click on Patients at the top of the screen. If you choose to use defaults for the patient file, type these in here. These are not required, but can save time when entering patient information, and can always be edited. Don t add all five digits of the zip code, but just the first three. Then you only have to enter the last two digits when entering new patient information. Use the city, state, first three numbers of the zip code and the area code MOST of your new patients will have. Choose other preferences by clicking on the box to the left of the sentence. These preferences deal with a variety of issues throughout the program, and will be referenced specifically in those sections. Some of the are designed to meet the specific requirements of users in various states, and may not apply to your operation. If you use a numbering system for your patient ID s (PIN), you can set the NEXT one here. Every time you start the process of creating a new patient, this number automatically advances. So if you cancel the creation, the next number has already advanced, so you may want to come back here to reset the number. Most users of the program do not bother doing that, because numbers are free. But you may do so if desired. 8

9 There are additional Preferences for controlling other aspects of program execution relating to claims, statements, receipts etc. APPOINTMENT BOOK SETUP IN THE PREFERENCES SCREEN Click on APPOINTMENTS at the top of the Preference screen. If you would like the appointment book to show every time you open the program, check that box. The basic appointment types are shown, with the amount of time those appointments should take (of the doctor s time). You may change the allotted times by using the up/down arrow keys next to the number box. You may also pick the color you wish these appointments to appear in on the appointment book. If you need additional visit types to schedule, use the Add l Visit types button. Name your visit type (6 characters or less for the colors to work) Pick your colors, then save. Set How many columns you want visible on the screen (2,3 or 4). Additionally, you can set the option to show an ADDITIONAL 4 columns on a second screen page of the appointment book. Set the Names you want displayed on the visible columns. Set how many appointment slots you want in each 15 minute block of the appointment book. You may choose 1, 3, or 5 (or 1 slot every ten minutes). Set the daily office times for EACH day of the week. If the office sees no patients on a given day part (shift), uncheck that box. When you are finished with the entire week, hit the Save Button, and exit the screen. Change the calendar to tomorrow, then click back on today. You will then see a blank appt. Book with the settings you have chosen. 9

10 NOTE: AFTER A DAY HAS BEEN CREATED IN THE APPOINTMENT BOOK, IT WILL NOT BE RE- CREATED, UNLESS YOU EMPTY IT FIRST. IF YOU CHANGE OFFICE HOURS IN PREFERENCES, THE NEW HOURS WILL NOT BE REFLECTED ON DAYS ALREADY CREATED. SUGGESTION: PRINT THE DAY, EMPTY IT, THEN RE-ENTER THE APPOINTMENTS. MASTER FILES Master files are files that contain data used over and over again by the program in general. These include the clinic information, the provider data, all insurance companies, taff information, all procedures, etc. CLINIC From the main screen choose Master Files. Choose Clinic. Type in all clinic information, using tab to move from field to field. Press the Save button. This is the information that will show in Boxes 25, 32 and 33 of the HCFA 1500 form. This will be the name and address that you want your bills submitted under for payment. Separate doctor and multiple clinic addresses (address where service is actually rendered) should be entered in the doctor file. PROVIDER 10

11 From the main screen choose Master Files. Choose Provider Box 32 WILL NOT BE PRINTED on the HCFA form. Pick the clinic from the box marked Office (Clinic) Type in the provider (doctor) information, using tab to move from field to field. NOTE: If you press the Use Clinic Data button on this screen, the address field will be copied from the clinic file. When those two addresses are identical (to the last dot) The Additional Claim ID fields are for entering other physician identification numbers (other than the social security number). This may be a BC/BS provider number or other provider number. You can link these numbers to specific claims and insurance companies in the Map Claim form screen and the Insurance Company screen. The default for the PIN number which appears in Box 33 of the HCFA form is the social security number. Choose the appropriate type of ID from the yellow dropdown box above the box you put the ID in. The information on this screen will show in Box 32 of the HCFA 1500 form IF the provider address is different from the clinic address This will be the actual physical address of the clinic where the services were rendered. For multiple clinics, this address may be different from the address located in the Clinic Data screen. For clinics with multiple doctors or providers, EACH one should be entered into this screen. Press the Save button. 11

12 INSURANCE COMPANIES From the Main Screen choose Master Files. Choose Insurance Companies Press the New button Enter the insurance ID number. This may be numbers, letters or a combination of both. For example, the first Aetna could be AET1, the second Aetna entry could be AET2, etc. Enter the remaining insurance company information. Choose the correct claim to use when printing HCFA 1500 s for this company. If desired you can PROHIBIT certain procedures from being billed to an insurance company. You would use this, for example, if a certain carrier typically does not pay for an Office Visit. Press the Add caption, then choose the procedure you want to prohibit. Suggestion: Wait until you have finished adding and editing your master procedures before you use this feature. If you would like this insurance co have it s HCFA forms printed with an alternate CPT code when billing certain procedures, assign the company to a CPT Group other than one (1), and type the alternate CPT codes in Master Procedures in THAT group. NOTE: This Insurance Company will ALWAYS use that group for ALL of it s procedures. Press Save, then continue adding companies or press finished. You can find insurance companies either by code, or name, by clicking on the Order By box, then typing the first few character of the code or name. You can PRINT a list of insurance companies by pressing Print List of All on the menu bar at the top of the screen. MASTER DIAGNOSES Entering a new Master diagnosis: From the Main Screen choose Master Files. Choose Diagnosis 12

13 Press the New button Enter the ICD-9 code and the Diagnosis description Press the Save button. Editing an existing diagnosis: Choose the diagnosis you wish to edit from the list. Click on it once so it is highlighted. Press the Edit button. This will place the code and description in the top box. Make the changes. Press the Save button. You may search the diagnosis list by either pressing on the first letter of the diagnosis, or the first numbers of the ICD-9 code. It will bring up the closest match. Use the scroll bar or up/down arrow keys on the keyboard to move up or down the list. PROCEDURE CODES From the Main Screen choose Master Files. Choose Procedures Press the New Procedure button Enter a code for the procedure (this is not the CPT code, as you may have MORE than one procedure using this cpt code but rather an internal code, i.e. IT - intersegmental traction, M - manipulation, etc.) This code may be up to 5 characters long and may be numbers, letters, or a combination of both. IT MUST BE UNIQUE for each entry. NOTE: When you input charges for a given day, the order in which those charges appear on the HCFA form will NOT be the order you enter them, but the alphanumeric order of this code, so use codes that will for instance, adding a zero in front of all office visit procedures, will assure they are the first item in the charges for that visit. (Numbers come before letters.) Enter the CPT and description for the procedure. If you want a particular service or supply to default to be billed to either the third party payer or to the patient, indicate that here by either typing I, indicating to always bill this service/supply to the 3rd party payer or P, indicating to always bill this service/supply to the patient regardless of insurance status. (NOTE: this may be changed when actually entering the transaction in the patient's file). Enter the fee for one unit for the procedure or supply. The program will allow you to change/update fees without having to reenter the code again. By designating a start and end date on a fee, the program can keep up with what prices were in effect on what date. When you change the fees, click on to the circle next to 'Change charges for this code, but maintain prior services integrity'. This will insure that all prior data is protected. The program will then prompt you through the steps of changing your fees. If you are setting the program up initially, JUST CHANGE THE UNIT RATE. Prior services integrity is irrelevant. Inventory items should be checked, so that the program can manage how many items you have on hand, 13

14 and remind you when to order again. When Inventory is checked, you will have access to an Inventory button that brings up an Inventory Detail screen. Fill in the items on this screen, and update it after you re-order an item to give the program the information it will need for inventory management. Note the HIDE button to the bottom right. It will remove the screen from view, if it is blocking other parts of the screen. Set the category of this procedure. Statistics are based on the category you choose here. In the case of two insurance companies requiring DIFFERENT CPT CODES for the same procedure, the program will allow you establish an ALTERNATE CPT. Assign the alternate group number to the Insurance Company in the Insurance Master Files. Press Save. Continue entering new procedures or press exit to return to Main Menu. Please NOTE: After a procedure has been charged to any patient one time, you may no longer delete the procedure from the system. This is because the charge file does not store the specific information about the procedure, only the procedure ID code itself. The description and cpt are accessed through this file. To determine if you are allowed to delete a procedure, you may press the Enable Deletion if possible button at the top of the screen. If there are NO charges using this procedure, the Delete button will become presssable. The program keeps stats (specifically, visits) based on procedures charged on a given day. If a patient has at least one procedure charged (even one with a zero fee) it counts that as a Visit on the Daily Activity Report, as well as the monthly, weekly and yearly stat reports. EXCEPT for all procedures that are listed in the category of Supplies, and/or have box checked that is labeled Do not count as a visit. A visit will be counted on that day if ANOTHER charge for that patient that day does not meet that criterion. Once a procedure has been used on charge, it cannot be deleted from the system. It can however, be made inactive, and will no longer appear in pick lists for charges, default charges, or procedure sets. Previously created default charges and procedure sets will STILL have these procedures in them. PROCEDURE SETS Procedure sets are pre-grouped sets of visits that are most typically performed in your clinic. For example, if one of the typical visits in your clinic is a Manipulation, Ultrasound, and Intersegmental Traction, you may want to create a procedure set named MUSI. In this case, you may enter three procedures by just clicking on one set. From the Main Menu, choose Master Files. Choose Procedure Sets Press Create New Set Find the procedure to include in the set from the list on the left, and click on it so it is highlighted. If the procedure is not listed in the list, click on the button marked 'Procedures'. This will take you to the procedure input screen, and you may add the new procedure here. 14

15 Press the include button. This will place the procedure in the right hand box. Continue choosing procedures for the set in the same manner. If you wish the software to 'auto assign' the name of the set, make sure the circle labeled 'Use procedure Short Cut titles to name set' is filled in. The program will use the short cut titles of the procedures to come up with the set name. If you wish to name the sets yourself, type in the name of the set, up to ten digits long (numbers, letters, or combination of both), and make sure the circle is not marked. Press SAVE. You may then continue to enter new sets or press exit to return to main screen. PROSPECTS Prospects are those people whose names you've acquired as possible new patients. Perhaps you got their name from a mall screening or a patient referral, or from the Welcome Wagon. This list can be maintained in order to send newsletters or other promotional or educational activity.. using the Letters and Mailing Labels features of the program. From the Main Screen, choose Master Files, then Prospects. To add a new prospect, hit the New Button. A unique PIN will be generated for the prospect. You may change that number if you desire. Fill out the rest of the information, tabbing from field to field. At the bottom of the page, choose the mailing list(s) you want this person to be on. You may assign up to 5 lists for each Prospect. If you want to create a new mailing list, choose Master Mail Lists from the Menu Bar. ADD OR EDIT MAILING LISTS The program will send letters and create mailing labels for Patients and Prospects who have been assigned a mailing list. Go to the Patient Data Screen to access the Mailing List choices for patients (you may only assign lists to patients AFTER they have become a permanent patient, which occurs after a diagnosis has been entered, or after charges have been entered.) Prospects are assigned Mailing Lists in the Prospects screen. Each Patient and each Prospect may be assigned up to 5 lists. From the Main Screen, choose Master Files, then Mailing Lists. To add a new List, hit the New Button. Type a descriptive name for the list. Press Save. EDI RECEIVERS Each entity you are going to directly send claims to electronically using the ANSI X12 HIPAA EDI format must be set up as an EDI Receiver. Most of the information needed on this screen will be provided by the Insurance company or clearinghouse to which you will be sending claims. This information must be filled in before you can Map the Claim Form for EDI only. 15

16 16

17 PICK PATIENT Most activity in the program is patient-centric. When you want to do something for a specific patient, the program will need to know for whom. Hitting F4 from the main screen will bring up the Pick Patient screen, allowing you to pick the patient, and the screen you wish to go to. You can search for a patient by: PIN, Last Name, First Name, a combination of first and last name, or SSN by clicking in to the appropriate search box, and typing. The box that has the cursor blinking in it will accept input from the keyboard buttons at the top of the screen. By default, the program will only display active patients. The default can be changed in the preferences screen. To see all patients, check the box marked Show Inactive Patients Also. 17

18 PATIENT DATA ENTRY GENERAL INFORMATION Date boxes have a calendar symbol beside them. Pressing that will bring up a standard popup calendar. Navigating with the arrows and clicking on the date can be a fast way to input dates. When typing in the Patient Data screen, the first letter of each new word is automatically capitalized. ENTERING A NEW PATIENT: Press the F4 key to bring up the patient list Choose New Patient Enter in the patient's information. Use the tab button to change from field to field in this screen. (Patient's Case Number (PIN) may be changed at any time before charges or diagnosis are added) HOWEVER if you already have an appointment on the appointment book for that patient, using the original PIN you should delete the appointment BEFORE changing the PIN, then reenter it after you entered the changed PIN. If the patient s case type is not self pay, the program will prompt you to add the insurance information, after you press Save. You may either add it now or later. (Note: The program will not produce a claim without insurance information and required fields entered. See next page for list of required fields.) Make Patient Inactive To make a patient Inactive, click on the Inactive button in the left hand corner of the screen. When a patient is inactive, you cannot add charges to their account. They display differently in the patient choice grid. Several reports give the option of including or excluding inactive patients. 18

19 ENTERING THE PATIENT'S INSURANCE INFORMATION After saving the patient, click on the purple button labeled Insurance/Policy at the top of the screen. Choose the patient's insurance company from the list. If the insurance company is not in the list, go to the Insurance Companies choice on the menu, and ADD the new insurance company. Enter the patient's insurance information. (Note: Some fields will have default information, i.e. choosing Self as relation to insured will automatically fill in the fields following it.) If the policy expects the patient to pay a percentage of each charge, enter that amount, and make sure the Use Percent box is marked. If the patient is expected to pay a set copay amount per visit, unclick use percent, and type the amount due in $ per visit box. If the policy requires BOTH, input data in both fields, check the Use Both box. If the policy requires copays in addition to deductibles (before the deductible is met) check the box to have them both charged simultaneously. The deductible box should contain the annual deductible amount, the deductible balance is the amount LEFT on the patient s deductible at this time. If the deductible re-starts on January 1, click the Calendar Year Deductible Box. (You can reset all patient s deductible balances either once a year, or for patient s whose reset month is different than January, once a month in the Tools menu of the program.) If their ReSet month is June, for example, choose 6 from the dropdown list on that box. Each new policy defaults to Primary. If you are a adding a secondary, remember to set that policy as Secondary, by checking the secondary box. If you want to limit the amount of money that a particular claim can include (for example, if you want no claims for this patient to exceed $500) then type that amount in the Max $ per Claim box. The Misc. 1 and Misc. 2 boxes can include specific information that may need to be printed in a special box on the HCFA form. Please the Map Claim Form section for details. Additional boxes dedicated to Adjuster information appear at the bottom of the form. Use these for informational purposes, or to address a statement to that adjuster if required. Press Save Policy REQUIRED FIELDS (TO PRODUCE A PAPER CLAIM) Last name First name Date of birth Social Security number Address, City, State, Zip Gender 19

20 Marital Status Insured's Name Insured's Address, City, State, Zip Insured's ID Relationship to Insured Diagnosis HOLD-UPS To check to see if you have entered data for all required fields, choose Hold-Ups from the menu of the Patient screen You may also print the list from this screen. This will alert you of the fields which are missing information which would hold-up a claim. Please Note: The system only checks for the presence of Diagnoses on this screen, not whether those diagnoses are valid as far as charge dates. OTHER DATES AND INFORMATION From the Patient Screen, click on the Other Data Button. Some additional data fields, which may not be necessary for patient billing, but could be helpful in patient management are available on this screen. You can assign the patient to mailing lists, track certain tests, etc. You may also add a photo of the patient on this screen, using the jpeg format. The photo will also be displayed on the Pick Patient screen. PATIENT S ACCOUNT The Blue Account Button on the top of the Patient screen takes you the Account screen. On this screen, you have options relating to whether to send statements or not, how you want 20

21 to those statements based (full charges, or just the patient portion) whether to suggest patient payments due each visit, and whether or not to charge interest. If you leave the Send Statement box checked, statements will be prepared when you prepare them for all patients, and the account meets the other criteria you have set on the statement screen. If you want the statements to reflect only the patient portion amount, check the box labeled Include only Patient Portion Amount. If you click on the box Suggest Quickpay Amount, the program will have amount of the amount already filled in, based on what you put in Calculate Suggestion by boxes. If you want the patient to pay 20% of that day s charges, enter 20, and click on Per Cent. If the patient has a $10 per visit co-pay, click on Dollar Amount and type 10 in the box beside it. PERSONALIZED ON STATEMENTS MESSAGES Each patient s statement can include a message tailored to them (or you can use a generic message for all patients. If you want a specific message for a specific patient, from the Patient Data Screen, click on the Line labeled Statement Message (Click Here) In the screen that opens next, you can create a new message by clicking on New Message, Give the message a title, Write the message in the large text box, complete with formatting as you wish for it to appear, then press Save Message. Then press the Use button to return to the Patient Screen. You will then see the title of the message for that patient displayed on the screen. REFERRAL SOURCE The program allows you to track the referral source for each patient. Referrers can be other patients, employees, an attorney, signage, or even a specific newspaper ad. From the patient screen, click on the line marked Referred By: 21

22 This will open the Master Referral Screen. If this is a new Referrer, press the button labeled New Referrer. Then choose the type. If the referrer is a patient, choose patient. You can then choose them from the patient grid that will appear. Other types, such as radio, or screening should be named in such manner as to easily identify it for you when you produce reports, such as Health Fair Once the Referrer exists, and is highlighted, press the Save button to assign that referrer to this patient. THIS PATIENT Many of the input screens in Autumn8 are Patient concentric that is, before you can enter the data, whether it be their diagnoses, their charges, default charges,.an alert, first you must PICK the patient. These tasks can be performed from the Main screen (the appointment book), but many of those tasks can also be accomplished from the patient data screen, without having to pick a patient (because you already have.) 22

23 PATIENT'S DIAGNOSIS Choose This Patient, Diagnosis from the patient menu bar, or hit F5. If entering a new patient, choose New Diagnosis, if editing an existing diagnosis, choose Edit Existing. To quickly navigate the grid, you can search for the diagnosis by clicking on the letters (below) to search for the Dx description, or the numbers (above the grid) to search for the ICD9 code. Choose the appropriate diagnosis by double clicking on it in the grid. The program will ask you if you wish to save the diagnosis. Press Yes. If you wish to edit some of the options regarding the diagnosis such as Visits allowed for a particular diagnosis, or #of visits pre-certified for that diagnosis, choose NO when asked if you want to save, edit any fields you wish to change, and press SAVE. Diagnoses are ordered by their priority, the lower the number, the higher the priority. You can manually change the priority, and thus change the order in which the Dx s appear on the HCFA forms and in reports. The program will assign a start date and an expiration date to each diagnosis. The start date will be the same as the First Visit Date in the patient data screen unless the date you are entering this diagnosis is thirty days or more AFTER the first visit date in which case it will use today s date. You can manually edit the date when entering the diagnosis. The program will assign a date far in to the future for it s expiration. When it s time to add a new diagnosis, manually edit the old diagnosis expiration date to the day before the start of the new diagnoses. DO NOT DELETE OLD DIAGS, just expire them, in case you need to produce SOAP notes or Narratives, or enter a charge for a period in the past. PLEASE NOTE: Claims cannot be produced unless the very first charge you enter for a patient has at least one valid diagnosis associated with it. To be valid, the date of the diagnosis MUST be equal to or before the date of the charge. Enter the patient s diagnosis first, if possible, before entering charges. If not possible, after entering the diagnosis, press the button in the middle of the screen to update the charges diags. 23

24 USING THE APPOINTMENT BOOK WHAT THE CONTROLS DO Calendar Right top of the screen, controls which day you are looking at. When the date is NOT today, there is a button directly below the calendar that will return to today s date. Change the month currently viewed by clicking on the Month at the top of the calendar. This will pop up a list of recent and future months to scroll to. NOTE: Each time you click on a day that has NEVER been clicked on before, the program creates a new BLANK appointment schedule for that day, so there is a slight delay in display while the program creates the records. Time Line Directly above the appointment book. Goes the closest time on the appointment book for that day. First goes to the first appointment already scheduled. Last goes to the last appointment already scheduled. All others go to the time clicked on, regardless of whether or not there is an appointment scheduled. Schedule New Patient Button. Brings up the basic information screen for creating a new patient. After filling out that form, hit OK, then set the appointment as described in Setting a New Appointment. One Patient s Appointments Button. Shows you the appointment information for the patient you choose AFTER pressing this button. On this screen you can cancel an appointment, reschedule an appointment, print an appointment list (only future appointments print) or delete all PAST and FUTURE appointments. Generate Multiple Appointments Button. Takes you to a screen for a chosen patient to set multiple appointments. Memo Box. Located at the top left side of the screen. Allows typing and automatically saves a general message you would like to see on the day the calendar is on. Additionally, this box contains the Patient Remarks you may have entered in the Patient data screen (when you have clicked on a specific patient s appointment. Some Patient Specifics, including next visit, last visit date, last x-ray date (blinks if older than 17 months) preferred phone number, in time and out time (after checked in and out). This information is located to the left of the calendar, and to the right of the Generate Multiple Appointments Button. The Appointment Book. In and Out boxes to indicate when a patient comes in and is ready to be checked out. The Name Column, shows the name and the visit type, and a notes column double clicking brings up a memo box to type additional information about patients on that line of the book. At the top of each column is a recap of appointments for THAT column. SETTING A NEW APPOINTMENT (OR DROPPING IN) 1) Find the day you want to set the new appointment by clicking on the calendar if not already on the right day. 2) Find the time you want to set the new appointment by clicking on the time line. 3) Double Click on a BLANK Space in the column you want to set the appointment for. 4) Choose the patient. 5) Click on the Visit Type (OV, or ReXray etc). 6) If a drop-in, click on Drop In, otherwise press OK 7) If the allotted time as set in preferences EXCEEDS the block of time for that appointment (i.e. if the visit length in preferences is set for 15 minutes, and each block represents 5 minutes) the following block(s) will be filled with * s, so that you cannot overbook a period of time. CHECKING A PATIENT IN/OUT Checking a patient IN: Bring up the appointment book for the current date. SINGLE click on the blank box labeled 'IN' next to the patient's name. Checking a patient OUT: SINGLE click on the blank box labeled 'OUT' next to the patient's name. 24

25 Charges If you have default charges set for the patient, the program will now ask if you'd like these entered as the charges for this visit. Choosing YES will automatically enter these default charges. Choosing NO will allow you to enter charges OTHER than the default charges. If you have no default charges set for the patient, or answer no to the previous question, the computer will ask if you'd like to enter the charges for this visit now. Choosing YES will take you to the charge input screen, choosing NO will keep you at the appointment screen, and the program will continue through the check out routine. Charges may be entered at any time by pressing F6 and choosing ADD CHARGES. (See CHARGES for more information) Quick Payment After the charges option the program will ask you if you like to enter a Quick Payment. If you have set the Account screen to suggest an amount, the amount of the payment will already be typed in. If the provider to get credit for this payment is different than the highlighted one, click on the appropriate provider. If the payment type is not patient check, click on the payment type that fits this transaction. Enter the check number, and press save. You may print a simple receipt, or a detailed receipt at this point. A detailed receipt will contain the data necessary for the patient to be reimbursed if they are going to file their insurance themselves. Next Appointment After finishing with Quick Payment, the program will tell you when the next appointment for that patient is IF they have one scheduled. 8) CHANGING A PATIENT S APPOINTMENT If a patient has not yet been checked in, double click on their name. This accomplishes the same thing as pressing the One Patient s Appointments Button, except that you do not have to choose the patient from the Patient Grid. Make sure the correct appointment is highlighted in the appointment grid to the left. To cancel the appointment, press the Cancel button. This will NOT prompt for rescheduling. To reschedule, click that button, then press OK to the message that pops up. Change the calendar and time if necessary, and double click on an empty space. The program will confirm that you are rescheduling the appointment you were working on. PLEASE NOTE, if you cancel or reschedule an appointment that went over in time, and is followed by blocks with * s, you will have to manually delete the * s, by double clicking on the * s. If you would like to return to the appointment book, press the Hide Button. 25

26 MULTIPLE APPOINTMENTS From the appointment book, choose Appointments from the Main Menu, then, or hit the Generate Multiple Appointments Button. Multiple appointment sets allow for quick scheduling of several appointments for a patient. If used properly, it can be a great tool for patient retention, making sure the patient always has a next appointment scheduled. You may pre-set your own sets, and use a different time when scheduling individual patients. For example, instead of scheduling ten separate appointments for the patient's first two weeks of care, choose set 5 times/week for 2 weeks. With one click you will have scheduled 10 visits for the patient. The times can always be edited, but your patient knows they are expected on those days. Choose the correct patient for whom you are scheduling appointments. There are several pre-loaded multiple appointment sets. These may be edited using the same procedure below except Choose Change set instead of Create new set. Choose create new set Hit the button marked Create New Set Type the description of the set (example: 3 times/week for 4 weeks) Under visit frequency, click on the down arrow and choose the appropriate number for the VISIT FREQUENCY. Click whether that frequency is per week, once/month or twice/month Enter the total number of visits contained in this set (example above would be twelve) Next click on the days for this particular set (example: Monday, Wednesday, Friday). Choose SAVE SET. The program will default to the type of visit will default to OV, with the time units previously indicated in your 'Preferences' file. You may pick a different office visit type at this time. Choose the desired Appointment Set from the list on the left of the screen Note: Appointment sets may be edited or created right from this screen by choosing Change Set to edit or Create New Set to build a brand new one. You CANNOT change the days that are in the set when you are generating multiple appointments. You must edit the set first if you do not like the days that are currently in that set. Type in or choose the start date for your appointment set (this will be the date on which you want the first appointment of the set to be scheduled) or use the calendar by double clicking on the date you wish to start the appointment set. Type in the correct appointment time, or use the up/down arrow keys to adjust to the correct time for EACH day in the set already checked. This can be an approximate time and the time can always be edited if the patient needs a different time on any given day. Choose the column you want the appointment to be set in. Note that the 'Visit Frequency' and 'Days' information cannot be edited or changed from this screen. 26

27 You may edit the set to change this information. Hit the button marked 'Generate'. The text will appear at the bottom of this screen showing you that the appointments were successfully generated. ONE PATIENT'S APPOINTMENTS To bring up the appointment book, choose Appointments from the Main Menu. Choose the button 'One Patient's Appointments' Choose the correct patient from the grid. The list of the patients appointments now show in the left grid. From this screen you have several options. Printing Appointments for One Patient Choose print schedule. Press OK when the printer prompt comes on screen. Press OK on the print screen when it appears. The appointments will then print to your default printer. The list will include all future appointments, including the day on which you are printing it. Canceling a patient's appointment This feature is used to COMPLETELY CANCEL or DELETE a single visit for a patient. If you choose the cancel a visit without rescheduling, it will show up on the Daily Activity Report. Choose Cancel Appointment Without Rescheduling The computer will then confirm this is what you wish to do. If it is, press YES. This will completely delete the appointment. Reschedule Appointment The program tracks canceled and rescheduled appointments as two different types of statistics. Therefore, if the patient is rescheduling, rather than just canceling, it is best to reschedule rather than just cancel, and set a new appointment. Choose Reschedule Highlighted Appointment (make sure the appointment you want to reschedule is the one highlighted.) Hit the Hide button, and go to the day and 27

28 time you want to move this appointment to. Double click the space, and the program will ask you if you want to reschedule the appointment there. If you say yes, the process is complete. Cancel Appointment, leave on book The purpose of the Mark Appointment OFF without rescheduling button is to mark through the appointment when canceling it, but to leave it on the appointment book so that you can see it, in case you are asked where they are. Change Appointment Type When a scheduled appointment needs to be changed from one type of visit to another, press the button labeled Change Visit Type, then click on the new type when prompted, and hit OK. Show All Appointments for Patient By default, the only appointments that show on this screen are today s and all future dates. If you would like to see all past appointments as well, press the button labeled: Show Past Appointments if Available. Delete All Appointments for this Patient If, for some reason, all past and future appointments for this need to be purged from the system, press the button marked: Delete ALL Appointments. PRINTING/CLEARING/COMPACTING APPOINTMENTS To print the appointments for a given day, click on the calendar to choose the date you want to print. Go to Appointments on the menu bar, and choose Print. If you want to clear ALL appointments on a given day (or Un-BLOCK) go to appointments on the menu bar, then choose Empty Today. ALL APPOINTMENTS will be deleted for the day the calendar is set to. Every so often (daily, weekly, etc.) you can conserve disk space and make the size of your back-up smaller by choosing to compact previous days appointments. This will delete all blank lines on the appointment book on days previous to today. Go to tools, then choose Compact Previous Appointment Dates. This can take a few minutes if you haven t done it in a while. NOTE: AFTER A DAY HAS BEEN CREATED IN THE APPOINTMENT BOOK, IT WILL NOT BE RE- CREATED, UNLESS YOU EMPTY IT FIRST. IF YOU CHANGE OFFICE HOURS IN PREFERENCES, THE NEW HOURS WILL NOT BE REFLECTED ON DAYS ALREADY CREATED. SUGGESTION: PRINT THE DAY, EMPTY IT, CREATE IT AGAIN BY CLICKING OFF THAT DATE, THEN BACK ON IT, THEN RE-ENTER THE APPOINTMENTS. 28

29 CHARGES The Charge Screen can be accessed by hitting F6 from the Main Screen, or by choosing Patient, then Charges from the Main Menu, then picking the patient you wish to enter or edit charges for. On this screen, you have access to a summary of the patients account. The blue numbers are total account (Insurance AND patient portion) The green numbers are the patient portion only. There is an Update Diags button, use this if you have added diags AFTER you have entered charges. From this screen you can navigate to the screen to enter charges, or to the screen to enter Quick Payments. You can view the policy information (co-payment and deductible balance) by selecting Insurance Information from the menu bar. Choose the button 'Add Charges on (date)'. You may change the date by pressing the calendar and choosing the correct date, or typing it in the box. The program will then display the ENTER CHARGE SCREEN. ENTERING CHARGES There are three basic ways to enter charges for a patient. The fastest way to add charges for a patient is to set DEFAULT CHARGES (see Default Charges) for the patient. For example, if the usual visit for the patient is Manipulation, Cryotherapy and Ultrasound, setting these three procedures as the default charges in the patient's file will allow you to enter them with one click. This button is available if you have already set default charges for that patient. Also, you may enter unlimited PROCEDURE SETS (Procedure Sets) which are the most commonly performed visits in your office. This will allow you to enter a visit by choosing a set (one click) as opposed to line by line procedures (multiple clicks). The third way to enter charges for a patient is line by line (one at a time). The charges will either default to 'Enter One Charge at a Time' or 'Enter Procedure Sets', depending on 29

30 what you have set up in your preference file. You may always select the other choice by simply clicking on it. Depending on which choice is clicked, you will either see the list of Individual Charges or Procedure Sets. ENTERING PROCEDURE SETS Make sure that 'Enter a SET of Procedures is highlighted in the upper left box. The list of Procedure Sets that you have entered in your master file will show in the grid on the right. You may either type in the name of the procedure set and hit return, or double click it on the grid to place it in the bottom box. Once it is in the bottom box IT IS SAVED. The program will tell you the number of procedures entered and the total charge for the visit. Press FINISHED. ENTERING CHARGES ONE AT A TIME If you'd like the computer to automatically save each procedure and automatically add another, click the box marked 'Save and Add Another Without Asking'. Otherwise you will need to hit the ANOTHER button between each procedure. Make sure that 'Enter One Procedure at a Time' is highlighted in the upper left box. The list of Procedures that are entered in your master file will show in the grid on the right. You may either type in the name of the procedure and hit return to place it in the bottom grid or double click on the procedure from the list on the right. Once it is in the bottom grid, IT IS SAVED. The program will tell you the number of procedures entered and the total charge for the visit. Press FINISHED. A FEW THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT THE CHARGE SCREEN If you want to change the information for a given visit, (doctor, charge, diagnosis, bill to) you may do so when entering the transaction. You must enter the charges one by one and change the information prior to saving the transaction. Therefore, type the name of the procedure in the edit box, which will bring up the unit price and charge for the procedure. You may then edit the charge, doctor, diagnosis or bill to prior to pressing the enter key. EDIT CHARGES Hit the F6 button the access the charges screen. Choose the correct patient. The edit charge screen will appear with 'All Procedures' checked (at the top 30

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