1001 Peliculas Que Hay Que Ver Antes De Morir Pdf
Leer PDF 1001 Peliculas Que Hay Que Ver Antes De Morir libro online gratis pdf epub ebook. Faculty incivility pdf. (PDF) Faculty to Faculty Incivility: Experiences of Novice. Peliculas que hay que ver antes de morir (1001 Before You Die) - Alternative.
Según el libro de Steven Jay Schneider
Año_Número_Título Original_Titulo en Español_Director
1902_01_ Le voyage dans la lune_Viaje a la luna_George Méliès
1903_02_The Great Train Robbery_Asalto y robo de un tren_Edwin S. Porter
1915_03_The birth of a nation_El nacimiento de una nación_D.W. Griffith
1915_04_Les vampires_Los vampiros_ Louis Feuillade
1916_05_Intolerance_Intolerancia_D. W. Griffith
1919_06_Das kabinett des Doktor Caligari_El gabinete del Doctor Caligari_Robert Wiene
1919_07_Broken Blossoms_Lirios rotos/La culpa ajena_D. W. Griffith
1920_08_Wy down east_Las dos tormentas_D. W. Griffith
1920_09_Within our gates_Puertas adentro_Oscar Micheaux
1921_10_Korkalen_La carreta fantasma_Victor Sjöström
1921_11-Orphans of the stormn_Las dos huérfanas_D. W. Griffith
1922_12_La souriante Madame Beudet_La sonriente Madame Beudet_Germaine Dulac
1922_13_Dr. Mabuse, der Spieler_Dr. Mabuse_Fritz Lang
1922_14_Nanook of the Nord_Nanook el esquimal_ Robert J. Flaherty
1922_15_Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens_Nosferatu el No Muerto_Murnau
1922_16_Häxan (Witchcraft through the ages)_Häxan: la brujería a través de los tiempos_ Benjamin Christensen
1922_17_Foolish wives_Esposas frívolas_Erich v. stroheim
1923_18_Our hospitality_Nuestra hospitalidad_Buster Keaton
1923_19_La roue_La rueda_Abel Gance
1924_20_The Thief of Bagdad_El ladrón de Bagdad_Raoul Walsh
1924_21_Stachka_La huelga_Sergei Eisenstein
1924_22_Greed_Avaricia_Erich v. stroheim
1924_23_Sherlock, Jr._El moderno Sherlock Holmes_Buster Keaton
1924_24_Der Letzte Mann_El último_Murnau
1925_25_Seven chances_Siete ocasiones_Buster Keaton
1925_26_Phantom of the Opera_El fantasma de la Ópera_Rupert Julian
1925_27_Bronenosec Potyomkin_Acorazado Potemkim_Sergei Eisenstein
1925_28_The Gold Rush_La quimera del oro_Charles Chaplin
1925_29_The big parade_El gran desfile_King Vidor
1927_30_Metropolis_Metrópolis_Fritz Lang
1927_32_General-El maquinista de La General_Buster Keaton
1927_33_The Unknown-Garras humanas_Tod Browning
1927_34_Oktjabr-Octubre_Sergei Eisenstein
1927_35_The Jazz singer-El cantor de Jazz_Alan Crosland
1927_36_Napoleon-Napoleón_Abel Gance
1927_37_The Kid Brother_El hermano pequeño_J.A. Howe, Ted Wilde (Harold Lloyd)
1928_38_The Crowd-Y el mundo marcha.._King Vidor
1928_39_The Docks Of New York_Los muelles de Nueva York_Josef von Sternberg
1928_40_Un chien andalou-Un perro andaluz_Luis Buñuel
1928_41_La Passion de Jeanne D'Arc_La Pasión de Juana_Carl Theodor Dreyer
1928_42_Steamboat Bill, Jr.-El héroe del río_Charles Reisner Keaton
1928_43_Potomok Chingos-Khana_Tempestad sobre Asia_Vsevolod Pudovkin
1929_44_Blackmail_La muchacha de Londres_Alfred Hitchcock
1929_45_Čelovjek s Kinoapparatom_El hombre de la cámara_ Dziga Vertov (Дзига Вертов)
1929_46_Die Büchse der Pandora_La caja de Pandora (Lulú)_Georg Wilhelm Pabst
1930_47_Der Blaue Engel_El Ángel Azul_Josef von Sternberg
1930_48_L’age d’or_La edad de Oro_Luis Buñuel
1930_49_Zemlya_La Tierra_Aleksandr Dovzhenko
1930_50_Little Caesar_Hampa dorada_Mervyn LeRoy
1930_51_All quiet on the wester front_Sin novedad en el frente_Milestone
1931_52_À nous la liberté_Viva la libertad_René Clair
1931_53_Le million_El millón_René Clair
1931_54_Tabu_Tabú_Murnau y Flaherty
1931_55_Dracula_Drácula_Tod Browning
1931_56_Frankestein_Frankenstein_James Whale
1931_57_City LIights_Luces de la ciudad_Charles Chaplin
1931_58_The public enemy_El enemigo público_William A. Wellman
1931_59_M.-M, el vampiro de Dusseldorf_Fritz Lang
1931_60_La chienne_La golfa_Jean Renoir
1931_61_ Vampyr (Der Traum des Allan Grey)_Vampyr, la bruja vampiro_Dreyer
1932_62_Love me tonight_Ámame esta noche_Rouben Mamoulian
1932_63_Boudu sauvé des eaux_Boudu salvado de las aguas_Jean Renoir
1932_64_I am a fugitive from a chain gang_Soy un fugitivo_Mervyn LeRoy
1932_65_Trouble in Paradise_Un ladrón en la alcoba_Ernst Lubitsch
1932_66_Scarface: The shame of a Nation_Scarface, el terror del hampa_Howard Hawks
1932_67_Shanghai express_El expreso de Shanghai_Von Sternberg
1932_68_Freaks-La parada de los monstruos_Tod Browning
1932_69_Me and my gal_Mi chica y yo_Raoul Walsh
1933_70_Zero de conduite_Cero en conducta_Jean Vigo
1933_71_42nd Street_La calle 42_Lloyd Bacon
1933_72_Footlight Parade_Desfile de candilejas_Lloyd Bacon
1933_73_Gold diggers of 1933_Vampiresas de 1933_Mervin Le Roy
1933_74-She done him wrong_Nacida para pecar_Lowell Sherman
1933_75-Duck soap_Sopa de ganso_ Leo McCarey [los hermanos Marx]
1933_76-Queen Christina_La reina Cristina de Suecia_Rouben Mamoulian
1933_77-Las Hurdes (Tierra sin pan)_Luis Buñuel
1933_78-King Kong_King Kong_ Merian C. Cooper, Ernest B. Schoedsack
1933_79-The bitter tea of General Yen_La amargura del General Yen_Frank Capra
1933_80-Sons of the desert_Compañeros de juerga_Wiliam A. Seiter (El Gordo y el Flaco)
1934_81-It's a gift_Norman Z. McLeod
1934_82-Triumph des Willens_Triunfo de la voluntad_Leni Riefenstahl
1934_83-L'Atalante_L'Atalante_Jean Vigo
1934_84-The black cat_Satanás_Edgar G. Ulmer
1934_85-Judge Priest_El juez Priest_John Ford
1934_86-It Happened one night_Sucedió una noche_Frank Capra
1934_87-The thin man_La cena de los acusados_W.S. van Dyke
1935_88-Captain Blood_El capitán Blood_Michael Curtiz
1935_89-Mutiny on the Bounty_Rebelión a bordo_Frank Lloyd
1935_90_Night at the opera_Una noche en la ópera_Sam Wood (Hermanos Marx)
1935_91-The 39 steps_39 escalones_Alfred Hitchcock
1935_92-Bride of Frankenstein_La novia de Frankenstein_James Whale
1935_93_Top hat_Sombrero de copa_Mark Sandrich
1936-94-Une partie de campagne_Día de campo_Jean Renoir
1936-95-Modern Times_Tiempos modernos_Charles Chaplin
1936_96_Swing times_En alas de la danza_George Stevens
1936_97-My man Godfrey_Al servicio de las damas_Gregory La Cava
1936_98-Mr. Deeds goes to town_El secreto de vivir_Frank Capra
1936_99-Camille_Margarita Gautier_George Cukor
1936_100-Sabotage_Sabotaje_Alfred Hitchcock
1936_101-Dodsworth_Desengaño_William Wyler
1936_102-Things to come_La vida futura_William Cameron Menzies
1936_103-Le roman d'un tricheur_La novela de un tramposo_Sacha Guitry
1937_104-Captain courageous_Capitanes intrépidos_Víctor Fleming
1937_105-Ye ban ge sheng_Canción de medianoche_Weibang Ma-Xu
1937_106-La grande illusion_La gran ilusión_Jean Renoir
1937_107_The life of Emile Zola_La vida de Emile Zola_WilliamDieterle
1937_108-Stella Dallas_Stella Dallas_King Vidor
1937_109-Make way for tomorrow_Dejad paso al mañana_Leo McCarey
1937_110-Snow White and the Seven Dwarves_Blancanieves y los Siete enanitos_Disney
1937_111-The Awful Truth_La pícara puritana_Leo McCarey
1937_112-Pepe le Moko_Pepe le Moko_Julien Duvivier
1938_113-Jezebel_Jezabel_William Wyler
1938_114-The adventures of Robin Hood_Robin de los bosques_Michael Curtiz, William Keighley
1938_115-Angels with dirty faces_Ángeles con caras sucias_Michael Curtiz
1938_116-Olympia: 1. TEIL – FEST DER VOLKER / 2. TEIL – FEST DER SCHONHEIT_Olimpia_Leni Riefenstahl
1938_117-La femme du boulanger_La mujer del panadero_Marcel Pagnol
1938_118_Bringing up baby_La fiera de mi niña_Howard Hawks
1939_119_Stagecoach_La diligencia_John Ford
1939_120-Zangiku Monogatari_La historia del último Crisantemo_Kenji Mizoguchi
1939_121-Babes in arms_Hijos de la Farándula_Busby Berkeley
1939_122-Mr. Smith goes to Washington_Caballero sin espada_Frank Capra
1939_123-The Wizard Of Oz_El mago de Oz_Victor Fleming y otros
1939_124-Destry rides again_Arizona_George Marshall
1939_125-Only angels have wings_Solo los ángeles tienen alas_Howard Hawks
1939_126-Gonne with the wind_Lo que el viento se llevó_Victor Fleming
1939_127-Le jour se léve_Marcel Carné
1939_128-Gunga Din_Gunga Din_George Stevens
1939_129-Ninotchka_Ninotchka_Ernst Lubitsch
1939_130-La regle du jeu_La regla del juego_Jean Renoir
1939_131_Wuthering Heights_Cumbres borrascosas_William Wyler
1939_132-His girl friday_Luna nueva_Howard Hawks
1939_133-Rebecca_Rebeca_Alfred Hitchckock
1940_135-The Philadelphia Story_Historias de Filadelfia_George Cukor
1940_136-The Grapes of Wrath_Las uvas de la ira_John Ford
1940_137_Dance, girl, dance_Dance, girl, dance_Dorothy Arzner
1940_139_The mortal Storm_Tormenta mortal_Frank Borzage
1940_140_The Bank Dick_Edward F. Cline
1940_141-Citizen Kane_Ciudadano Kane_Orson Welles
1941_142-The Lady Eve_Las tres noches de Eva_Preston Sturges
1941_143-The Wolf Mann_El hombre lobo_George Waggner
1941_144-The Maltese Falcon_El Halcón Maltés_John Huston
1941_145-Sergeant York_El sargento York_Howard Hawks
1941_147-High Sierra_El último refugio_Raoul Walsh
1941_148_Sullivan's Travels_Los viajes de Sullivan_Preston Sturges
1941_149-How green was my Valley_Qué verde era mi valle_John Ford
1942_150-The Palm Beach Story_Un marido rico_Preston Sturges
1942_151-Now, Voyager_La extraña pasajera_Max Steiner
1942_152-Casablanca_Casablanca_Michael Curtiz
1942_153-To be or not to be_Ser o no ser_Ernst Lubitsch
1942_154-Cat People_La mujer pantera_Jacques Tourneur
1942_155-The Magnificent Ambersons_El cuarto Mandamiento_Orson Welles
1942_156-Yankee Doodle Dandy_Yanqui Dandy_Michael Curtiz, James Cagney
1943_157-Meshes of the afternoon_Maya Deren
1943_158-Fires were started_El fuego comenzó_Humphrey Jennings
1943_159-The man in grey_Perfidia_Leslie Arliss
1943_160-The life and death of Colonel Blimp_Vida y muerte del Coronel Blimp_Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger
1943_161-I walked with a Zombie_Yo anduve con un zombie_Jacques Tourneur
1943_162-The seventh victim_La séptima víctima_Mark Robson
1943_163-The Ox-Bow Incident_Incidente en Ox-Bow_William A. Wellman
1943_164-Shadow of a doubt_La sombra de una duda_Alfred Hitchcock
1944_166-Meet me in St. Louis_Cita en San Louis_Vincente Minnelli
1944_167-To have and have not_Tener y no tener_Howard Hawks
1944_168-Laura_Laura_Otto Preminger
1944_169-Gaslight (The Murder in Thornton Square)_Luz que agoniza_George Cukor
1944_170-Henry V_Enrique V_Laurence Olivier
1944_171-Ivan Grozni I y II_Iván el Terrible 1ª y 2ª parte_Eisenstein
1944_172-Double Indemnity_Perdición_Billy Wilder
1944_173-Murder, my sweet / Farewell, my lovely_Historia de un dectective_Edward Dmytryk
1945_174-The battle of San Pietro_John Huston
1945_175-Spellbound_Recuerda_Alfred Hitchcock
1945_176-Mildred Pierce_Alma en suplicio_Michael Curtiz
1945_177-Les enfants du Paradis_Los niños del paraíso_Marcel Carné
1945_178-Roma, cittá aperta_Roma, ciudad abierta_Roberto Rossellini
1945_179-The lost weekend_Días sin huella_Billy Wilder
1945_180-Detour_Detour_Edgar G. Ulmer
1945_181-I Know where I'm_Sé adonde voy_Michael Powell y Emeric Pressburger
1946_182-The best years of our lives_Los mejores años de nuestra vida_William Wyler
1946_183-Brief encounter_Breve encuentro_David Lean
1946_184-Paisa_Camarada_Roberto Rossellini
1946_185-The Postman always rings twice_El cartero siempre llama dos veces_Tay Garnett
1946_186-My darling Clementine_La pasión de los fuertes_John Ford
1946_187-The stranger_El extraño_Orson Welles
1946_188-La Belle et la Bete_Jean Cocteau
1946_189-The big sleep_El sueño eterno_Howard Hawks
1946_190-The killers_Forajidos_Robert Siodmak
1946_191-A matter of life and death (Stairway to Heaven)_A vida o muerte_Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger
1946_192-Great expectations_Cadenas rotas_David Lean
1946_193_Notorious_Encadenados_Alfred Hitchcock
1946_194-Black narcissus_Narciso negro_Micahel Powell, Emeric Pressburger
1946_195-It's a wonderful life_¡Qué bello es vivir!_Frank Capra
1946_196-Gilda_Charles Vidor
1947_197-Monsieur Verdoux_Charles Chaplin
1947_198-Out of the past_Retorno al pasado_Jacques Tourneur
1947_199-The Gost and Mrs. Muir_El fantasma y la Señora Muir_Joseph L. Mankiewick
1947_200-Odd man out_Larga es la noche_Carol Reed
1948_201-Ladri di biciclette_Ladrón de bicicletas_Vittorio de Sica
1948_202_Letter from an Unknown Woman_Carta de una desconocida_Max Ophüls
1948_203_Secret beyond the door_Secreto tras la puerta_Fritz Lang
1948_204_Force of evil_La fuerza del destino_Abraham Polonski
1948_205_Xiao Cheng Zhi Chung_Primavera en una pequeña ciudad_Fei Mu
1948_206-Red River_Río Rojo_ Howard Hawks, Arthur Rosson
1948_207_Rope_La soga_Alfred Hitchcock
1948_208_The Snake Pit_Nido de víboras_ Anatole Litvak
1948_209_The lady from Shanghai_La dama de Shangai_Orson Wells
1948_210_The paleface_Rostro Pálido_ Norman Z. McLeod
1948_211-The red Shoes_Las zapatillas rojas_ Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger
1948_212-The Treasure of the Sierra Madre_El tesoro de Sierra Madre_John Huston
1948_213-Louisiana Story_ Robert J. Flaherty
1949_214-The heiress_La heredera_ William Wyler
1949_215-Kind hearts and coronets_Ocho sentencias a muerte_ Robert Hamer
1949_216-Gun crazy (Deadly is the female)_El demonio de las armas_ Joseph H. Lewis
1949_217_Adam's rib_La costilla de Adán_George Cukor
1949_218_Whiski galore!_ Alexander Mackendrick
1949_219_White heat_Al rojo vivo_Raoul Walsh
1949_220_The reckless moment_Almas desnudas_Max Ophüls
1949_221_The third man_El tercer hombre_Carol Reed
1949_222_On the town_Un día en Nueva York_Stanley Donen, Gene Kelly
1949_223_Orphee_Orfeo_Jean Cocteau
1950_224_The Asphalt Jungle_La jungla de asfalto_John Huston
1950_225_Rashomon_Akira Kurosawa
1950_226_Winchester '73_Anthony Mann
1950_227_Rio Grande_John Ford
1950_228_All about Eve_Eva al desnudo_Joseph L. Mankiewick
1950_229_Sunset Blvd._El crepúsculo de los dioses_Billy Wilder
1950_230_Los olvidados_Luis Buñuel
1950_231_In a lonely Place_En un lugar solitario_Nicholas Ray
1951_232_The big carnival_El gran carnaval_Billy Wilder
1951_233_A Streetcar Named Desire_Un tranvía llamado deseo_Elia Kazan
1951_234_Extrangers on a Train_Extraños en un tren_Alfred Hitchcock
1951_235_The Lavender Hill Mob_Oro en barras_Charles Crichton
1951_236_Pandora and the Flying Dutchman_Pandora y el holandés errante_Albert Lewin
1951_237_The African Queen_La Reina de África_John Huston
1951_238_Journal d'un curé de campagne_Diario de un cura de campaña_Robert Bresson
1951_239_Un american in Paris_Un americano en París_Vincente Minnelli
1951_240_A Place in the Sun_Un lugar en el sol_George Stevens
1951_241_The Day the Earth Stood Still_Ultimátum a la Tierra_Robert Wise
1952_242_The Quiet Man_El hombre tranquilo_John Ford
1952_243_Jeux interdits_Juegos prohibidos_René Clément
1952_244_Angel Face_Cara de ángel_Otto Preminger
1952_245_Singin' in the Rain_Cantando bajo la lluvia_Stanley Donen
1952_246_Ikiru_Vivir_Akira Kurosawa
1952_247_Europa '51_Roberto Rossellini
1952_248_The Bad and the Beautiful_Cautivos del mal_Vincente Minnelli
1952_249_The Big Sky_Ríos de sangre_Howard Hawks
1952_250_High Noon_Solo ante el peligro_Fred Zinnermann
1952_251_Umberto D_Vittorio de Sica
1952_252_Le carrosse d'or_La carroza de oro_Jean Renoir
1953_253_The Bigamist_El bígamo_Ida Lupino
1953_254_The Band Wagon_Melodías de Broadway_Vincente Minnelli
1953_255_Madame de…_Max Ophüls
1953_256_From here to eternity_De aquí a la eternidad_Fred Zinnermann
1953_257_Tokyo Monogatari_Cuentos de Tokio_Yasujiro Ozu
1953_258_Roman Holiday_Vacaciones en Roma_William Wyler
1953_259_Le salaire de la peur_El salario del miedo_Henri-Georges Clouzot
1953_260_The Naked Spur_Colorado Jim_Anthony Mann
1953_261_Pickup on South Street_Manos peligrosas_Samuel Fuller
1953_262_Gentlemen Prefer Blondes_Los caballeros las prefieren rubias_Howard Hawks
1953_263_The Big Heat_Los sobornados_Fritz Lang
1953_264_Les vacances de M. Hulot_Las vacaciones de Monsieur Hulot_Jacques Tati
1953_265_Viaggio in Italia_Te querré siempre_Roberto Rossellini
1953_266_Ugetsu Monogatari_Cuentos de la luna pálida_Kenji Mizoguchi
1953_267_Shane_Raíces profundas_George Stevens
1953_268_Beat the Devil_La burla del diablo_John Huston
1954_269_Johnny Guitar_Nicholas Ray
1954_270_On the Waterfront_La ley del silencio_Elia Kazan
1954_271_Seven Brides for Seven Brothers_Siete novias para siete hermanos_Stanley Donen
1954_272_Les Diaboliques_Las diabólicas_Henri-Georges Clouzot
1954_273_Animal Farm_Rebelión en la granja_Joy Batchelor, John Halas
1954_274_Rear Window_La ventana indiscreta_Alfred Hitchcock
1954_275_A Star is born_Ha nacido una estrella_George Cukor
1954_276_The Barefoot Contessa_La condesa descalza_Joseph L. Mankiewicz
1954_277_La Strada_Federico Fellini
1954_278_Shichinin Samurais_Los siete samurais_Akiro Kurosawa 1954_279_Senso_Luchino Visconti
1954_280_Silver Lode_Filón de Plata_Allan Dwan
1954_281_Carmen Jones_Otto Preminger
1954_282_Sanshô Dayu_El intendente Sanshô_Kenji Mizoguchi
1954_283_Salt of the Earth_La sal de la tierra_Herbert J. Biberman
1955_284_Artists and Models_Cómicos en París_Frank Tashlin
1955_285_Guys and Dolls_Ellos y ellas_ Joseph L. Mankiewicz
1955_286_Pather Panchali_La canción del sendero_Satyajit Ray
1955_287_Bad Day at Black Rock_Conspiración de silencio_John Sturges
1955_288_Les maîtres fous_Los amos locos_Jean Rouch
1955_289_Hill 24 Doesn't Answer (Givá esrim ve' arba eina ona)_La Colina 24 no contesta_Thorold Dickinson
1955_290_The Ladykillers_El quinteto de la muerte_Alexander Mackendrick
1955_291_Marty_Delbert Mann
1955_292_Ordet_La palabra_Carl Theodor Dreyer
1955_293_Bob le Flambeur_Jean-Pierre Melville
1955_294_Kiss me Deadly_El beso mortal_Robert Aldrich
1955_295_The man from Laramie_El hombre de Laramie_Anthony Mann
1955_296_Rebel without Cause_Rebelde sin causa_Nicholas Ray
1955_297_The Phenix City Story_El Imperio del terror_Phil Karlson
1955_298_Sommarnattens Leende_Sonrisas de una noche de verano_Ingmar Bergman
1955_299_Nuit et Brouillard_Noche y niebla_Alain Resnais
1955_300_The Night of the Hunter_La noche del cazador_Charles Laughton
1955_301_Lola Montès_Lola Montes_Max Ophüls
1956_302_Forbidden Planet_Planeta prohibido_Fred M. Wilcox
1956_303_Biruma No Tategoto_El arpa birmana_Kon Ichikawa
1956_304_The Searchers_Centauros del desierto_John Ford
1956_305_Un condamné a mort s'est echappé_Un condenado a muerte se ha escapado_Robert Bresson
1956_306_Written in the Wind_Escrito sobre el viento_Douglas Sirk
1956_307_The man who Knowk too Much_El hombre que sabía demasiado_Alfred Hitchcock
1956_308_Giant_Gigante_George Stevens
1956_309_All the heaven Allows_Solo el cielo lo sabe_Douglas Sirk
1956_310_Invasion of the Body Snatchers_La invasión de los ladrones de cuerpos_Don Siegel
1956_311_The Wrong Man_Falso culpable_Alfred Hitchcock
1956_312_Bigger than Life_Delirio de locura_Nicholas Ray
1956_313_High Society_Alta sociedad_Charles Walters
1956_314_The Ten Commandments_Los Diez Mandamientos_Cecil B. DeMille
1957_315_12 Angry Men_Doce hombres sin piedad_Sidney Lumet
1957_316_Det Sjunde Inseglet_El Séptimo Sello_Ingmar Bergman
1957_317_An Affair to Remember_Tú y yo_Leo McCarey
1957_318_Smultronstället_Fresas salvajes_Ingmar Bergman
1957_319_Le notti di Cabiria_Las noches de Cabiria_Federico Fellini
1957_320_Kumonosu Jo_Trono de sangre_Akira Kurosawa
1957_321_The Incredible Shrinking Man_El increíble hombre menguante_Jack Arnold
1957_322_Apajarito_El Invencible_Satyajit Ray
1957_323_Gunfight at the OK Corral_Duelo de Titanes_John Sturges
1957_324_The Bridge on the River Kwai_El puente sobre el río Kwai_David Lean 1957_325_Bahrat Mata_Madre India_Mehbood Khan
1957_326_Letjat Zhuravli_Cuando migran las grullas_Mikhell Kalatozov
1957_327_Paths of Glory_Senderos de gloria_Stanley Kubrick
1957_328_Sweet Smell of Success_Chantaje en Broadway_Alexander Mackendrick
1958_329_Man of the West_El hombre del Oeste_Anthony Mann
1958_330_Touch of Evil_Sed de mal_Orson Welles
1958_331_Bab El Hadid_Estación Central_Youssef Chahine
1958_332_Gigi_Vincente Minnelli
1958_333_The Defiant Ones_Fugitivos_Stanley Kramer
1958_334_Vertigo_Vértigo (De entre los muertos)_Alfred Hitchcock
1958_335_Popiól I Diament_Cenizas y diamantes_Andrzej Wajda
1958_336_Drácula_Terence Fisher
1958_337_Mon oncle_Mi tío_Jacques Tati
1958_338_Jalsaghar_El salón de música_Satyajit Ray
1959_339_Les quatre cents copus_Los cuatrocientos golpes_François Truffaut
1959_340_North by Northwest_Con la muerte en los talones_Alfred Hitchcock
1959_341_Some like it hot_Con faldas y a lo loco_Billy Wilder
1959_342_Anatomy of a murder_Anatomía de un asesinato_Otto Preminger
1959_343_Les yeus sans visage_Ojos sin rostro_Georges Franju
1959_344_Ride lonesone_Cabalgar en solitario_Budd Boetticher, Harry
1959_345_Orfeu negro_Orfeo negro_Marcel Camus
1959_346_Shadows_John Cassavetes
1959_347_Apur Sansar_El mundo de Apu_Satyajit Ray
1959_348_A bout de souffle_Al final de la escapada_Jean-Luc Godard
1959_349_Ben Hur_William Wyler
1959_350_Pickpocket_Robert Bresson
1959_351_Hiroshima mon amour_Alain Resnais
1959_352_Río Bravo_Howard Hawks
1959_353_Le trou_La evasión_ Jacques Becker
1959_354_Ukigusa_La hierba errante_Yasujiro Ozu
1960_355_Rocco e i suoi fratelli_Rocco y sus hermanos_Luchino Visconti
1960_356_La dolce vita_Federico Fellini
1960_357_Saturday night and Sunday morning_Sábado noche, domingo mañana_Karel Reisz
1960_358_Tirez sur le pianiste_Tirad sobre el pianista_François Truffaut
1960_359_L'avventura_La aventura_Michelangelo Antonioni
1960_360_The young one_La joven_Luis Buñuel
1960_361_Meghe dhaka fara_Estrella nublada_Ritwik Ghatak
1960_362_Hayno_La doncella_Kim Ki-young
1960_363_Psycho_Psicosis_Alfred Hitchcock
1960_364_La maschera del demonio_La máscara del demonio_Mario Bava
1960_365_Peeping Tom_El fotógrafo del pánico_Michael Powell
1960_366_The appartment_El apartamento_Billy Wilder
1960_367_Spartacus_Espartaco_Kirk Douglas, Edward Lewis
1961_368_Splendor in the grass_Esplendor en la hierba_Elia Kazan
1961_369_L'année dernière à Marienbad_El año pasado en Marienbad_Alain Resnais
1961_370_La jetée_Chris Marker
1961_371_One-eyed Jacks_El rostro impenetrable_Marlon Brando
1961_372_Lola_Jacques Demi
1961_373_Breafast at Tiffany's_Desayuno con diamantes_Blake Edwards
1961_374_La notte_La noche_Michelangelo Antonioni
1961_375_Jules et Jim_François Truffaut (VOS)
1961_376_Viridiana_Luis Buñuel
1961_377_The ladies man_El terror de las chicas_Jerry Lewis
1961_378_Sasom I en spegel_Como en un espejo_Ingmar Bergman
1961_379_Chonique d'un été_Edgar Morin, Jean Rouch
1961_380_The hustler_El buscavidas_Robert Rossen
1961_381_West side story_Robert Wise
1961_382_Mondo cane_Este perro mundo[/color]_Paolo cavara et al.
1962_383_Cléo de 5 a 7_Agnès Varda
1962_384_Dog star man_Stan Brakhage
1962_385_ Sanma no aji_El sabor del sake_Yasujiro Ozu
1962_386_L'eclisse_El eclipse_Michelangelo Antonioni
1962_387_Lawrence de Arabia_David Lean
http://vagos.es/showthread.php?t=315509 (dvdfull)
1962_388_To kill a Mockinbird_Matar a un ruiseñor_Robert Mulligan
1962_389_The manchurian candidate_El mensajero del miedo_John Frankenheimer
1962_390_Lolita_Stanley Kubrick
1962_391_O pagador de promessas_Anselmo Duarte
1962_392_The Man who Shot Liberty Valance_El hombre que mató a Liberty Valance_John Ford
1962_393_What ever happened to Baby Jane?_¿Qué fue de Baby Jane?_Robert Aldrich
1962_394_Vivre sa vie: film en douze tableaux_Vivir su vida_Jean-Luc Godard
1962_395_Heaven and earth magic_Harry Smith
1963_396_The Birds_Los pájaros_Alfred Hitchcock
1963_397_The Nutty Professor_El profesor chiflado_Jerry Lewis (VO subtit)
1963_398_Blonde Cobra_ Ken Jacobs
1963_399_The cool world_Shirley Clarke
1963_400_Otto e mezzo_Fellini Ocho y Medio_Federico Fellini
1963_401_Pasazerka_La pasajera_Witold Lesiewick, Andrezej Munk
1963_402_Le mépris_El desprecio_Jean-Luc Godard
1963_403_Hud_Martin Ritt
1963_404_Nattvardsgästerna_Los comulgantes_Ingmar Bergman
1963_405_Flaming Creatures_Jack Smith
1963_406_The Great Escape_La gran evasión_John Sturges
1963_407_Shock Corridor_Corredor sin retorno_Samuel Fuller
1963_408_Il gattopardo_El gatopardo_Luchino Visconti
1963_409_Vidas secas_Vidas secas_Nelson Pereira dos Santos
1963_410_ Méditerranée_Jean-Daniel Pollet
1963_411_Khaneh Siah Ast_La casa negra_Forugh Farrokhzad
1963_412_The Haunting_La mansión encantada_Robert Wise
1963_413_Yukinojo henge_La venganza de un actor_Kon Ichikawa
1964_414_The servant_El sirviente_Joseph Losey
1964_415_Goldfinger_James Bond contra Goldfinger_Guy Hamilton
1964_416_Scorpio Rising_Kenneth Anger
1964_417_Les parapluies de Cherbourg_Los paraguas de Cherburgo_Jacques Demi
1964_418_Marnie_Marnie, la ladrona_Alfred Hitchcock
1964_419_My fair lady_George Cukor
1964_420_Suna no onna_La mujer de arena_Hiroshi Teshigahara
1964_421_Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb_¿Teléfono rojo? Volamos hacia Moscú_Stanley Kubrick, Victor Lyndon
1964_422_A Hard day's Night_¡Qué noche la de aquel día!_Richard Lester
1964_423_Il desserto rosso_Desierto rojo_Michelangelo Antonioni
1964_424_Tini Zabutykh Predkiv_Sombras de antepasados olvidados_Sergei Parajanov
1964_425_Masque of the Red Death_La máscara de la muerte roja_Roger Corman
1964_426_Prima della revolutione_Antes de la revolución_Bernardo Bertolucci
1964_427_Gertrud_Carl Theodor Dreyer
1964_428_Il vangelo secondo Mateo_El evangelio según San Mateo_Pier Paolo Pasolini
1964_429_Deus e o diabo na terra do sol_Dios y el diablo en la tierra del sol_Glauber Rocha
1964_430_Onibaba_El demonio_Kaneto Shindô
1965_431_Vinyl_Andy Warhol
1965_432_Obchod na korze_La tienda en la calle mayor_Jan-Kadar, Elmar Klos
1965_433_Doctor Zhivago_David Lean
1965_434_The War Game_El juego de la guerra_Peter Watkins
1965_435_Tokio orimpikku_Olimpíada de Tokio_Kon Ichikawa
1965_436_La batagglia di Algeri_La batalla de Argel_Robert Wise
1965_437_The sound of Music_Sonrisas y lágrimas_Robert Wise
1965_438_Rekopis znaleziony w Saragossie_El manuscrito encontrado en Zaragoza_Wojciech Has
1965_439_Alphaville, une étrange aventure de Lemmy Caution_Lemmy contra Alphaville_Jean-Luc Godard
1965_440_Chimes at Midnight_Campanadas a medianoche_Orson Welles
1965_441_Repulsion_Repulsión_Roman Polnaski
1965_442_Giulietta degli spiriti_Giulietta de los espíritus_Federico Fellini
1965_443_Pierrot le fou_Pierrot el Loco_Jean-Lic Godard
1965_444_Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!_Russ Meyer
1965_445_Subarnarekha_Río de oro_Ritwik Ghatak
1965_446_De m an die zijn abr kort liet knippen_El hombre del cráneo rasurado_André Delvaux
1966_447_Hold me while I´m naked_George Kuchar
1966_448_Blowup_Blowup. Deseo de una mañana de verano_Michelangelo Antonioni
1966_449_Il buono, il bruto, il cattivo_El bueno, el feo y el malo_Sergio Leone
1966_450_Sedmikrasky_Las margaritas_Vera Chytilová
1966_451_Da Zui Xia_Ven a beber conmigo_King Hu
1966_452_Seconds_Plan siniestro_John Frankenheimer
1966_453_In the head of the night_En el calor de la noche_Norman Jewison
1966_454_Who´s Afraid of Virginia Woolf_¿Quién teme a Virginia Woolf?_Mike Nichols
1966_455_Persona_Ingmar Bergman
1966_456_Masculin, féminin_Jean-Luc Godard
1966_457_Au hasard Balthasar_Al azar de Baltasar_Robert Bresson
1967_458_Deux ou trois choses que je sais d'elle_Jean-Luc Godard
1967_459_The Graduate_El graduado_Mike Nichols
http://vagos.es/showthread.php?t=172198&highlight (DvdRip, español, RS)
1967_460_Playtime_Jacques Tati
1967_461_Report_Bruce Conner
1967_462_Hombre_Un hombre_Martin Ritt
1967_463_Belle de jour_Bella de día_Luis Buñuel
1967_464_Les demoiselles de Rochefort_Las señoritas de Rochefort_Jacques Demy, Agnes Varda
1967_465_Weekend_Jean-Luc Godard
1967_466_Le samouraï_El silencio de un hombre_Jean-Pierre Melville
1967_467_Cool Hand Luke_La leyenda del indomable_Stuart Rosemberg
1967_468_Point blank_A quemarropa_John Boorman
1967_469_Wavelength_Michael Snow
1967_470_Bonnie and Clyde_Bonnie y Clyde_Arthur Penn
1967_471_Csillagosok, Katonák_El rojo y el blanco
1967_472_Marketa Lazarová_Frantisek Vlácil
1967_473_The Jungle Book_El libro de la selva_Walt Disney (DvdRip)
1967_474_Horí, má Panenko_El baile de los bomberos_Milos Forman
1967_475_Terra em transe_Tierra en trance_Glauber Rocha
1967_476_Ostre Sledované vlaky_Trenes rigurosamente vigilados_Jirí Menzel
1967_477_Vij_Georgi Kropachyov, Constantin Yershov
1968_478_Gaav_La vaca_Dariush Mehrjui
1968_479_Céra una volta il West_Hasta que llegó su hora_Sergio Leone
1968_480_Planet of the Apes_El planeta de los simios_Franklin J. Schaffner
1968_481_Faces_John Cassavetes
1968_482_Rosemary's Baby_La semilla del diablo_Roman Polanski
1968_483_If…_Lindsay Anderson
1968_484_Memorias del subdesarrollo_Tomás Gutiérrez Alea
1968_485_The Producers_Los productores_Mel Brooks
1968_486_David Holzman´s diary_Jim NcBride
1968_487_Skammen_La vergüenza_Ingmar Bergman
1968_488_2001: A Space Odyssey_2001: Una Odisea espacial_Stanley Kubrick
1968_489_Vargtimmen_La hora del lobo_Ingmar Bergman
1968_490_Targets_El héroe anda suelto_Peter Bogdanovich
1968_491_Night of the Living Dead_La noche de los muertos vivientes_George A. Romero
1969_492_Ma nuit chez Maud_Mi noche con Maud_Eric Rohmer
1969_493_Lucía_Humberto Solás
1969_494_Hsia nu_Un toque de zen_King Hu
1969_495_Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid_Dos hombres y un destino_George Roy Hill
1969_496_Midnight Cowboy_Cowboy de medianoche_John Schlesinger
1969_497_Satyricon_Federico Fellini
1969_498_Z_Costa Gavras
1969_499_Il conformista_El conformista_Bernardo Bertolucci
1969_500_Easy rider_Buscando mi destino_Dennis Hopper
1969_501_High School_Frederick Wiseman
1969_502_In the year of the pig_Emile de Antonio
1969_503_The Wild Bunch_Grupo salvaje_Sam Pekinpah
1969_504_Andrei Rublev_Andrei Tarkovsi
1969_505_Le boucher_El carnicero_Claude Chabrol
1969_506_Sayat Nova_El color de las granadas_Sergei Parajanov
1969_507_Kes_Ken Loach
508_Tristana_Luis Buñuel
509_Five easy pieces_Mi vida es mi vida_Bob Rafelson
510_El topo_Alejandro Jodorowsy
511_Woodstock_Michael Wadleigh
512_Deep end_Jerzy Skolimowski
513_La strategia del ragno_La estrategia de la araña_Bernardo Bertolucci
514_Little Big Man_Pequeño gran hombre_Arthur Penn
515_Ucho_La oreja_Karel Kachyna
516_Patton_Franklin J. Schaffner
517_Mash_Robert Altman
518_Performance_Donald Cammell, Nicolas Roeg
519_Gimme Shelter_Albert Maysles et al.
520_Zabriskie Point_Michelangelo Antonioni
521_ L’Ucello dalle piume di cristallo_El pájaro de las plumas de cristal_Dario Argento
522_ Il giardino de los Finzi-Contini_El jardín de los Finzi-Contini_Vittorio de Sica
523_Wanda_Barbara Loden
524_W.R.: Misterije organizma_Los misterios del organismo_Dusan Makavjev
525_ A Clockwork Orange_La naranja mecánica_Stanley Kubrick
526_Le chagrin et la pitié_Marcel Ophüls
527_ Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory_Un mundo de fantasía_Mel Stuart
528_McCabe and Mrs. Miller_Los vividores_Robert Altman
529_Walkabout_Nicolas Roeg
530_Klute_Alan J. Pakula
531_Harold and Maude_Harold y Maude_Hal Ashby
532_Még kér a nép_Salmo rojo_Miklòs Jancsó
533_Get Carter_Asesino implacable_Mike Hodges
534_The French Connection_Contra el imperio de la droga_William Friedkin
535_Shaft_Las noches rojas de Harlem_Gordon Parks
536_Dirty Harry_Harry el sucio_Don Siegel
537_Le souffle au coeur_El soplo en el corazón_Louis Malle
538_Sweet sweetback’s baadasssss song_Melvin van Peebles
539_The Last Picture Show_La última película_Peter Bogdanovich
540_Straw Dogs_Perros de paja_Sam Peckinpah
541_Two-Lane Blacktop_Carretera asfaltada en dos direcciones_Monte Hellman
542_The heartbreak Kid_El rompecorazones_Elayne May
543_Aguirre, der zorn gottes_Aguirre, la cólera de Dios_Werner Herzog
544_Cabaret_Bob Fosse
545_Ultimo tango a Parigi_El último tango en París_Bernardo Bertolucci
546_High Plain Drifters_Infierno de cobardes_Clint Eastwood
547_Sleuth_La huella_Joseph L. Mankiewicz
548_Deliverance_Defensa_John Boorman
549_Solyaris_Solaris_Andrei Tarkovski
550_The Godfather_El Padrino_Francis Ford Coppola
551_Viskingar och rop_Gritos y susurros_Ingmar Bergman
552_Fat City_Ciudad dorada_John Huston
553_Le charme discret de la bourgeoisie_El discreto encanto de la burguesía_Luis Buñuel
554_Die bitteren Tränen der Petra von Kant_Las amargas lágrimas de Petra von Kant_Rainer Werner Fassbinder
555_Frenzy_Frenesí_Alfred Hitchcock
556_Pink Flamingos_John Waters
557_Superfly_El mercado del vicio_Gordon Parks. Jr.
558_The Sting_El golpe_George Roy Hill
559_La maman et la putain_Jean Eustache
560_Badlands_Malas tierras_Terrence Malick
561_American graffiti_George Lucas
562_Papillon_Franklin J. Schaffner
563_Enter the Dragon_Operación dragón_Robert Clouse
564_Mean Streets_Malas calles_Martin Scorsese
565_ The Long Goodbye_El largo adiós_Robert Altman
566_The Wicker Man_El hombre de mimbre_Robin Hardy
567_La nuit américaine_La noche americana_François Truffaut
568_Don’t look now_Amenaza en la sombra_Nicolas Roeg
569_Sleeper_El dormilón_Woody Allen
570_Serpico_Sidney Lumet
571_The Exorcist_El exorcista_William Friedkin
572_Turks Fruit_Delicias turcas_âul Verhoeven
573_El espíritu de la colmena_Víctor Erice
574_Le planènete sauvage_El planeta salvaje_René Laloux
575_Amarcord_Federico Fellini
576_The harder the come_Más dura será la caída_Perry Henzell
577_Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid_ Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid_Sam Peckinpah
578_Dersu Uzala_Akira Kurosawa
579_The Conversation_La conversación_Francis Ford Coppola
580_The Texas Vhain Saw Massacre_La matanza de Texas_Tobe Hooper
581_Zerkalo_El espejo_Andrei Tarkovsi
582_A Woman Under the Influence_Una mujer bajo la influencia_John Cassavetes
583_Young Frankenstein_El jovencito Frankenstein_Mel Brooks
584_Chinatown_Roman Polanski
585_Céline et Julie vont en Bateau_Jacques Rivette
586_Blazing Saddles_Sillas de montar calientes_Mel Brooks
587_The Goodfather: Part II_El Padrino, segunda parte_Francis Ford Coppola
588_Angst essen Seele auf_Todos nos llamamos Ali_Rainer Werner Fassbinder
589_Bring me the Head of Alfredo Garcia_Quiero la cabeza de Alfredo García_Sam Peckinpah
590_Dogs Day Afternoon_Tarde de perros_Sidney Lumet
591_One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest_Alguien voló sobre el nido del cuco_Milos Forman
592_Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles_Chantal Ackerman
593_The rocky horror picture show_Jim Sharman
594_Deewaar_La pared_Yash Chopra
595_Monty Python and the Holy Grail_Los caballeros de la mesa cuadrada y sus locos seguidores_Terry Gilliam, Terry Jones
596_Barry Lyndon_Stanley Kubrick
597_Faustrecht der Freiheit_La ley del más fuerte_Rainer Werner Fassbinder
598_India song_Canción de La India_Marguerite Duras
599_ Picnic en Hanging Rock_Picnic en Hanging Rock_Peter Weir
600_Maynila: sa Mga kuko ng liwanag_Lino Brocka
601_Salò o le centoventi giornate di Sodoma_Salò o los ciento veinte días de Sodoma_Pier Paolo Pasolini
602_Nashville_Robert Altman
603_Cría cuervos_Carlos Saura
604_O thiassos_El viaje de los comediantes_Theo Angelopoulos
605_Jaws_Tiburón_Steven Spielberg
606_The killing of a chinese bookie_John Cassavetes
607_Carrie_Brian De Palma
608_The Outlaw Josey Wales_El fuera de la ley_Clint Eastwood
609_All the President’s Men_Todos los hombres del Presidente_Alan J. Pakula
610_Rocky_John G. Avildsen
611_Taxi Driver_Martin Scorsese
612_Network_Network, un mundo implacable_Sidney Lumet
613_Vosjosdenie_La ascensión_Larisa Shepitko
614_Ai no corrida_El imperio de los sentidos_Nagisa Oshima
615_Novecento_Bernardo Bertolucci
616_The Man Who Fell to Earth_El hombre que cayó a la tierra_Nicolas Roeg
617_Star Wars_La guerra de las galaxias: Episodio IV (Una nueva esperanza)_George Lucas
618_Close Encounters of the Third Kind_Encuentros en la tercera fase_Steven Spielberg
619_The Last Wave_La última ola_Peter Weir
620_Annie Hall_Woody Allen
621_Last chants for a slow dance_Jon Jost
622_Stroszek_La balada de Bruno S._Werner Herzog
623_Czlowiek z marmuru_El hombre de mármol_Andrej Wajda
624_Saturday Night Fever_Fiebre del sábado noche_John Badham
625_Killer of sheep_Charles Burnet
626_Eraserhead_Cabeza borradora_David Lynch
627_Ceddo_Ousmane Sembene
628_Der amerikanische Freund_El amigo americano_Wim Wenders
629_The Hills Have Eyes_Las colinas tienen ojos_Wes Craven
630_Soldaat van Oranje_Eric, oficial de la reina_Paul Verhoeven
631_Suspiria_Dario Argento
632_The chant of Jimmie Blacksmith_Fred Schepisi
633_Wu du_Cinco venenos mortales_Chang Cheh
634_L’albero degli zoccoli_El árbol de los zuecos_Ermanno Olmi
635_The Deer Hunter_El cazador_Michael Cimino
636_Grease_Brillantina_Randal Kleiser
637_Days of the Heaven_Días del cielo_Terrence Malick
638_Zombi_Dawn of the dead_George A. Romero
639_Shao Lin San Shih Liu Fang_Las 36 cámaras de shaolin_Chia-Liang Liu
640_Up in Smoke_Como humo se va_Lou Adler, Tommy Chong
641_Halloween_La noche de Halloween_John Carpenter
642_Die Ehe der Maria Braun_El matrimonio de María Braun_Rainer Werner Fassbinder
643_Real life_Como en la vida real_Albert Brooks
644_My brilliant career_Gillian Armstrong
645_Stalker_Andrei Tarkovski
646_Alien_Alien, el octavo pasajero_Ridley Scott
647_Breaking away_El relevo_Peter Yates
648_Die Blechtrommel_El tambor de hojalata_Volker Schlöndorff
649_Alll that Jazz_Empieza el espectáculo_ Bob Fosse
650_Being there_Bienvenido Míster Chance_Hal Ashby
651_Kramer vs. Kramer_Kramer contra Kramer_Robert Benton
652_Life of Brian_La vida de Brian_Terry Jones
653_Apocalypse Now_Francis Ford Coppola
654_The jerk_Un loco anda suelto_Carl Reiner
655_The muppet movie_James Frawley
656_Manhattan_Woody Allen
657_Mad Max_Mad Max: salvajes de la autopista_George Miller
658_Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht_ Nosferatu, vampiro de la noche_Werner Herzog
659_Ordinary People_Gente corriente_Robert Redford
660_Atlantic City_Louis Malle
661_Le dernier métro_El último metro_Truffaut
662_The Shining_El resplandor_Stanley Kubrick
663_Star Wars: Episode V-The Empire Strikes_El imperio contraataca, Episodio V_Irvin Kershner
664_The Elephant Man_El hombre elefante_David Lynch
665_The Big Red One_Uno Rojo Division de Choque _Samuel Fuller
666_Loulou_Maurice Pialat
667_Airplane!_Aterriza como puedas_Jim Abrahams & al.
668_Raging Bull_Toro salvaje_Martin Scorsese
669_Raiders of the Lost Ark_En busca del Arca perdida_Steven Spielberg
670_Das Boot_El submarino_Wolfgang Petersen
671_Gallipoli_Peter Weir
672_Chariots of Fire_Carros de fuego_Hugh Hudson
673_Body Heat_Fuego en el cuerpo_Lawrence Kasdan
674_Reds_Rojos_Warren Beatty
675_An American Werewolf in London_Un hombre-lobo americano en Londres_John Landis
676_Tre fratelli_Tres hermanos_Francesco Rosi
677_Czlowiek z zelaza_El hombre de hierro_Andrzej Wajda
678_Zu Frü, zu spät_Danièle Huillet, Jean-Marie Straub
679_Fast Times at Ridgemont High_Aquel excitante curso_Amy Heckerling
680_E.T.: The Extra-terrestrial_E.T. El Extraterrestre_Steven Spielberg
681_The Thing_La Cosa_John Carpenter
683_Blade Runner_Ridley Scott
684_The evil dead_Posesión infernal_Sam Raimi
685_Tootsie_Sydney Pollack
686_Yol_El camino_Serif Gören
687_Diner_Barry Levinson
688_Fitzcarraldo_Werner Herzog
689_Gandhi_Richard Attenborough
690_La notte di San Lorenzo_La noche de San Lorenzo_Paolo Taviani, Vittorio Taviani
691_De stilte rond Christine M._El silencio de Christine M._Marleen Gorris
692_Fanny och Alexander_Fanny y Alexander_Ingmar Bergman
693_A Christmas Story_Historias de Navidad_Bob Clark
694_El norte_Gregory Nava
]695_Videodrome_David Cronenberg
696_Star Wars: Episode VI-Returno of the Jedi_El retorno del Jedi_Richard Marquand
697_The Big Chill_Reencuentro_Lawrence Kasdan
698_Sans Soleil_Chris Marker
699_Le dernier combat_kamikaze 1999_Luc Besson
700_L’argent_El dinero_Robert Bresson
701_Utu_Geoff Murphy
702_Terms of Endearment_La fuerza del cariño_James L. Brooks
703_De vierde man_El cuarto hombre_Paul Verhoeven
704_The King of Comedy_El rey de la comedia_Scorsese
705_The Right Stuff_Elegidos para la gloria_Philip Kaufman
706_Koyaanisqatsi_Godfrey Reggio
707_Once Upon a Time in America_Érase una vez en América_Sergio Leone
708_Scarface_El precio del poder_Brian de Palma
709_Narayama Bushi-Ko_La balada del Narayama_Shohei Imamura
710_Amadeus_Milos Forman
711_The Terminator_Terminator_James Cameron
712_París, Texas_Wim Wenders
713_A Nigthmare on Elm Street_Pesadilla en Elm Street_Wes Craven
714_This is a spinal tap_Rob Reiner (Documental de rock)
715_Beverly Hills Cop_Superdetective en Holliwood_Martin Brest
716_Ghost Busters_Cazafantasmas_Ivan Reitman
717_A Passage to India_Pasaje a la India_David Lean
718_Stranger Than Paradise_Extraños en el Paraíso_Jim Jarmusch
719_The Killing Fields_Los gritos del silencio_Roland Joffé
720_The Natural_El mejor_Barry Levinson
721_The Breakfast Club_El club de los cinco_John Hughes
722_Ran_Akira Kurosawa
723_Idi i smotri_Masacre-ven y mira_Elem Klimov
724_La historia oficial_Luis Puenzo
725_Out of Africa_Memorias de África_Sydney Pollack
726_The Purple Rose of Cairo_La rosa púrpura de El Cairo_Woody Allen
727_Back to the Future_Regreso al futuro_Robert Zemeckis
728_Tong Nien Wang Shi_Tiempo de vivir, tiempo de morir_Hsiao-hsien Hou
729_Brazil_Terry Gilliam
730_Kiss of the Spider Woman_El beso de la mujer araña_Hector Babenco
731_The Quiet Earth_El único superviviente_Geoff Murphy
732_Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters_Mishima_Pauls Schrader
733_Prizzi's Honor_El honor de los Prizzi_John Huston
734_Sans toit ni loi_Sin techo ni ley_Agnès Varda
735_Shoah_Claude Lanzmann
736_The Color Purple_El color púrpura_Steven Spielberg
737_Manhunter_Hunter_Michael Mann
738_Stand by me_Cuenta conmigo_Rob Reiner
739_Blue Velvet_Terciopelo azul_David Lynch
740_Hannah and her Sisters_Hannah y sus hermanas_Woody Allen
741_She's gotta have it_Nola Darling_Spike Lee
742_Le déclin de l'empire américain_El declive del imperio americano_Denys Arcand
743_The Fly_La mosca_David Cronenberg
744_Aliens_Aliens: el regreso_James Cameron
745_Ferris Bueller's Day Off_Todo en un día_John Hughes
746_Down by law_Bajo el peso de la ley_Jim Jarmusch
747_A Room with a View_Una habitación con vistas_James Ivory
748_Children of a Lesser God_Hijos de un dios menor_Randa Haines
749_Platoon_Oliver Stone
750_Caravaggio_Derek Jarman
751_Tampopo_Juzo Itami
752_Peking Opera Blues_Do ma daan_Tsui Hark
753_Salvador_Oliver Stone
754_Top Gun_Ídolos del aire_Tony Scott
755_Sherman’s March_Ross McElwee
756_Dao Ma Zei_El ladrón de caballos_Tian Zhuangzhuang
757_Yeelen_La luz_Souleymane Cissé
758_Der Himmel über Berlin_El cielo sobre Berlín_Win Wenders
759_'A' gai waak juk jaap_El tesoro de China_Jackie Chan
760_Babettes gaestebud_El festín de Babette_Gabriel Axel
761_Raising Arizona_Arizona Baby_Joel Coen
762_Full Metal Jacket_La chaqueta metálica_Stanley Kubrick
763_Withnail and I_Withnail y yo_Bruce Robinson
764_Good morning, Vietnam_Barry Levinson
765_Au revoir les enfants_Adiós muchachos_Louis Malle
766_Broadcast News_Al filo de la noticia_James L. Brooks
767_Housekeeping_Bill Forsyth
768_The Princess Bride_La princesa prometida_Rob Reiner
769_Moonstruck_Hechizo de luna_Norman Jewison
770_The Untouchables_Los intocables de Eliot Ness_Brian de Palma
771_Hong gao liang_Sorgo rojo_Zhang Yimou
772_The dead_Dublineses_John Huston
773_Fatal Atraction_Atracción fatal_Adrian Lyne
774_Sinnui yauman_Una historia china de fantasmas_Siu-Tung Ching
775_Mujeres al borde un ataque de nervios_Almodóvar
776_Spoorloos_Desaparecida_George Sluizer
777_Bull Durham_Los búfalos de Durham_Ron Shelton
778_Ariel_Aki Kaurismäki
779_The thin blue line_Errol Morris
780_Akira_Katsuhiro Otomo
781_Nuovo cinema paradiso_Cinema Paradiso_Giuseppe Tornatore
782_Hotel Terminus: Klaus Barbie et son temps_Marcel Ophüls
783_A fish called Wanda_Un pez llamado Wanda_Charles Crichton
784_The Naked Gun_Agárralo como puedas_David Zucker
785_Big_Quisiera ser grande_Penny Marshall
786_Dangerous liaisons_Las amistades peligrosas_Stephen Frears
787_Hotaru no haka_La tumba de las luciérnagas_Isao Takahata
788_Topio stin omichli_Paisaje en la niebla_Theo Angelopoulos
789_Dekalog, Jeden_Krzysztof Kieslowski
790_Die Hard_La jungla de cristal_John McTiernan
791_Une historie de vent_Joris Ivens
792_Who Framed Roger Rabbit_¿Quién engañó a Roger Rabbit?_Robert Zemeckis
793_Rain man_Barry Levinson
794_Une affaire de femmes_Asunto de mujeres_Claude Chabrol
795_Drowing by numbers_Conspiración de mujeres_Peter Greenaway
796_Neko Z Alenky_Alice_Jan Svankmajer
797_Batman_Tim Burton
798_When Harry met Sally_Cuando Harry encontró a Sally_Rob Reiner
799_Crimes and Misdemeanors_Delitos y faltas_Woody Allen
800_The Cook, the Thief, his Wife & her Lover_El cocinero, el ladrón, su mujer y su amante_Peter Greenaway
801_Drugstore Cowboy_Gus Van Sant
802_My Left Food_Mi pie izquierdo_Jim Sheridan
803_Die Xue Shaung Xiong_Los asesinos_John Woo
804_Do the Right Thing_Haz lo que debas_Spike Lee
805_Roger & me_Michael Moore
806_Glory_Tiempos de gloria_Edward Zwick
807_Astenicheskij Sindrom_Síndrome de abstinencia_Kira Muratova
808_Sex, Lies and Videotape_Sexo, mentiras y cintas de vídeo_Steven Soderbergh
809_Say Anything_Un gran amor…_Cameron Crowe
810_The Unbelievable Truth_La increíble verdad_Hal Hartley
811_Beiqing Chengshi_Ciudad de la tristeza_Hsiao-hsien Hou
812_S’en fout la mort_Claire denis
813_Reversal of Fortune_El misterio von Bülow_Barbet Schroeder
814_Goodfellas_Uno de los nuestros_Martin Scorsese
815_Jacob’s Ladder_La escalera de Jacob_Adrian Lyne
816_King of New York_El rey de Nueva York_Abel Ferrara
817_Dances with Wolves_Bailando con lobos_Kevin Costner
818_Europa, Europa_Hitlerjunge Salomon
819_Pretty woman_Garry Marshall
820_Archangel_Guy Maddin
821_Trust_Confía en mí_Hal Hartley
822_Nema-ye nazdik_Primer plano_Abbas Kiarostami
823_Edward Scissorhands_Eduardo Manostijeras_Tim Burton
824_Henry: Portrait of a ****** Killer_Henry: Retrato de un asesino_Jphn McNaughton
825_Total Recall_Desafío total_Paul Verhoeven
826_Wong Fei-Hung_Wong en América_Hark Tsui
827_Boyz’n the Hood_Los chicos del barrio_John Singleton
828_Da hong deng long gao gao gua_La linterna roja_Zhang Yimou
829_Delicatessen_Mar Caro, Jean-Pierre Jeunet
830_Guling Jie Shaonian sha ren shijian_Una radiante mañana estival_Edward Yang
831_Naked Lunch_El almuerzo desnudo_David Cronenberg
832_La belle noiseuse_La bella mentirosa_Jacques Rivette
833_The Rapture_El despertar de Sharon_Michael Tolkin
834_My own private Idaho_Mi Idaho privado_Gus van Sant
835_Thelma & Louise_Thelma y Louise_Ridley Scott
836_Terminator 2: Judgment Day_Terminator 2: El día del juicio_James Cameron
837_The Silence of the Lambs_El silencio de los corderos Jonathan Demme
838_JFK_Jfk, caso abierto_Oliver Stone
839_Slacker_Richard Linklater
840_Tongues Untied_Lenguas desatadas_Marlon Riggs (Documental)
841_Hearts of darkness: a filmmaker's apocalypse_Fax Bahr/Eleanor Coppola/G.Hickenlooper
842_La double vie de Véronique_ La doble vida de Verónica_Krzysztof Kieslowski
843_Strictly ballroom_Baz Luhrmann
844_The Player_El juego de Hollywood_Robert Altman
845_Reservoir dogs_Quentin Tarantino
846_Romper stomper_Geoffrey Wright
847_Glengarry glen ross_Éxito a cualquier precio_James Foley
848_Unforgiven_Sin perdón_Clint Eastwood
849_Aileen wuornos: the selling of a ****** killer_Nick Broomfield
850_Conte d’hiver_Cuento de invierno_Eric Rohmer
851_Yuen Ling-Yuk_La actriz_Stanley Kwan [NO HAY]
852_C’est arrivé près de chez vous_Ocurrió cerca de su casa R.Belvaux/A.Bonzel/B.Poelvoorde Benoit Poelvoorde
853_The Crying Game_Juego de lágrimas_Neil Jordan
854_Be wang bie ji_Adiós a mi concubina_Kaige Chen
855_Groundhog Day_Atrapado en el tiempo_Harold Ramis
856_Thirty two short films about Glenn Gould_François Girard
857_Short cuts_Vidas cruzadas_Robert Altman
858_Philadelphia_Jonathan Demme
859_Hsimeng Jensheng_El maestro de marionetas_Hou Hsiao-Hsien
860_Jurassic Park_Parque jurásico_Steven Spielberg
861_Trois couleurs: Bleu_Tres colores: Azul_Krzysztof Kieslowski
862_The Piano_El piano_Jane Campion
863_Lang feng zheng_La cometa azul_Tian Zhuangzhuang
864_Hsi Yen_El banquete de boda_Ang Lee
865_Schindler’s List_La lista de Schindler_Steven Spielberg
866_The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert_Las aventuras de Priscilla, reina del desierto_Stephan Elliott
867_Trois couleurs: Rouge_Tres colores: Rojo_Krzysztof Kieslowski
868_Hoop dreams_Steve James
869_Forrest Gump_Robert Zemeckis
870_The Lion King_El rey León_Roger Allers/ Rob Minkoff (Animacion)
871_Clerks_Kevin Smith
872_Four Weddings and a Funeral_Cuatro bodas y un funeral Mike Newell
873_Natural Born Killers_Asesinos natos_Oliver Stone
874_The Last Seduction_La última seducción_John Dahl
875_Pulp Fiction_Quentin Tarantino
876_The Shawshank Redemption_Cadena perpetua_Frank Darabont
877_The roseaux sauvages_Los juncos salvajes_Andrè Téchiné
878_Chong qing sen lin_Chungking express_Kar-wai Wong
879_Crumb_Terry Zwigoff
880_Sátántangó_Béla Tarr
881_Zire Darakhatan Zeyton_A través de los olivos_Abbas Kiarostami
882_Heavenly Creatures_Criaturas celestiales_Peter Jackson
883_Caro diario_Nanni Moretti
884_Muriel’s Wedding_La boda de Muriel_P.J. Hogan
885_Riget_El reino_Morten Arnfred, Lars von Trier (NO)
886_Babe_Babe, el cerdito valiente_Chris Noonan
887_Deseret_James Benning (Documental)
888_Braveheart_Mel Gibson
889_Safe_Todd Haynes
890_Toy Story_John Lasseter (Animacion)
891_Casino_Martin Scorsese
892_Heat_Michael Mann
893_Kjaerlighetens kjotere_Zero Kelvin_Hans Petter Moland
894_Clueless_Sin pistas / Fuera de onda_Amy Heckerling
895_Smoke Wayne Wang/Paul Auster
896_Badkonake sefid_El globo blanco Jafar Panahi
897_Seven_David Fincher
898_Underground_Emir Kusturica
899_Dilwale dulhaniya le jayenge_El corazón amoroso se queda con la novia_Aditya Chopra
900_Xich Lo_Triciclo_Ahn-Hung Tran
901_The Usual Suspects_Sospechosos habituales_Bryan Singer
902_Dead man_Jim Jarmusch
903_Fargo_Joel Coen
904_Trois vies et une seule mort_ Tres vidas y una sola muerte Raúl Ruiz
905_Shine_Scott Hicks
906_Breaking the Waves_Rompiendo las olas_Lars von Trier
907_Independence day_Roland Emmerich
908_Secrets and lies_Secretos y mentiras_Mike Leigh
909_Gabbeh_Mohsen Makhmalbaf
910_Lone star_John Sayles
911_Trainspotting_Danny Boyle
912_Scream_Scream, vigila quién llama_Wes Craven
913_The English Patient_El paciente inglés_Anthnony Minguella
914_Happy together_Wong Kar-Wai
915_Mononoke Hime_La princesa Mononoke_Hayao Miyazaki
916_L.A. confidential Curtis Hanson
917_The Butcher Boy_Contracorriente_Neil Jordan
918_The Ice Storm_La tormenta de hielo_Ang Lee
919_Boogie nights_Paul Thomas Anderson
920_Deconstructing Harry_Desmontando a Harry_Woody Allen
921_The Sweet Hereafter_Dulce porvenir_Atom Egoyan
922_Funny games_Michael Haneke
923_Ta’m e Guilass_El sabor de las cerezas_Abbas Kiarostami
924_Abre los ojos_Alejandro Amenábar
925_Mat i Syn_Madre e hijo_Aleksandr Sokurov
926_Titanic_James Cameron
927_The Big Lebowski_El gran Lebowski_Joel Coen
928_Festen_Celebración_Thomas Vinterberg
929_Saving Private Ryan_Salvar al soldado Ryan_Steven Spielberg
930_Buffalo 66_Vincent Gallo
931_Rushmore_Wes Anderson
932_Lola rennt_Corre, Lola, corre_Tom Tykwer
933_Idioterne_Los idiotas_Lars von Trier
934_Pi_Darren Aronofski
935_Happiness_Todd Solondz
936_The Think Red Line_La delgada línea roja_Terrence Malick
937_1998_There’s something about Mary_Algo pasa con Mary_Bobby & Peter Farrelli
938_ Sombre_Philippe Grandieux
939_Ring_Hideo Nakata
940_Gohatto_Tabú_Nagisa Oshima
941_Magnolia_Paul Thomas Anderson
942_Beau travail_Claire Denis
943_The Blair Witch Project_El proyecto de la bruja de Blair_Daniel Myrick/ Eduardo Sánchez
944_Three Kings_Tres reyes_David O. Russell
945_Rosetta_Jean-Pierre & Luc Dardenne
946_Todo sobre mi madre_Pedro Almodóvar
947_Les temps retrouvé_Raúl Ruiz
948_ Fight Club_El club de la lucha_David Fincher
949_Being John Malkovich_Cómo ser John Malkovich_Spike Jonze
950_American beauty_Sam Mendes
951_Matrix_Andy & Larry Wachowski
952_El sexto sentido M.Night Shyamalan
953_Les glaneurs et la glaneuse_Los espigadores y la espigadora_Agnès Varda
954_Gladiator_Ridley Scott
955_Dut yeung nin wa_Deseando amar_Kar-wai Wong
956_Nueve Reinas_Fabián Bielinski
957_Yi Yi_Edward Yang
958_Requiem for a dream_Réquiem por un sueño_Darren Aronofski
959_Amores perros_Alejandro González Iñárritu
960_Meet the Parents_Los padres de ella_Jay Roach
961_Traffic_Steven Soderbergh
962_Wo hu cang long_Tigre y dragón_Ang Lee
963_Memento_Christopher Nolan
964_Dancer in the dark_Bailar en la oscuridad_Lars von Trier
965_Le fabuleux destin d’Amélie Poulain_Amélie_Jean-Pierre Jeunet
966_Moulin Rouge!_Baz Luhrmann
967_Y tu mamá también_Alfonso Cuarón
968_No Man’s Land_En tierra de nadie_Danis Tanovic
969_Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi_El viaje de Chihiro_Hayao Miyazaki
970_La pianiste_La pianista_Michael Haneke
971_Monsoon Wedding_La boda del monzón_Mira Nair
972_The Royal Tenenbaums_Los Tenenbaum, una familia de genios_Wes Anderson
973_Ônibus 174_Jose Padilha, Felipe Lacerda
974_The Pianist_El pianista_Roman Polanski
975_Oldboy_Chan-wook Park
976_The Lord of the Rings, Return of the King_El Señor de los Anillos, El retorno del rey_Peter Jackson
977_Good by Lenin!_Wolfgang Becker
978_Lost in Translation_Sofia Coppola
979_La meglio gioventù_La mejor juventud_Marco Tullio Giordana
980_Crash_Paul Haggis
981_Der Untergang_El hundimiento_Oliver Hirschbiegel
982_Sideways_Entre copas_Alexander Payne
983_Fahrenheit 9/11_Michael Moore
984_Va, vis et deviens_Vete y vive_Radu Mihaileanu
985_Paradise now_Hany Abu-Assad
986_Brokeback Mountain_Ang Lee
987_Tsotsi_Gavin Hood
988_The Constant Gardener_El jardinero fiel_Fernando Meirelles
989_Little Miss Sunshine_Pequeña Miss Sunshine_Jonathan Dayton, Valerie Faris
990_The Prestige_El truco final, el Prestigio_Christopher Nolan
991_Das Leven der Anderen_La vida de los otros_Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck
992_United 93_Paul Greengrass
993_Hijos de los hombres_Alfonso Cuarón
994_El laberinto del fauno_Guillermo del Toro
995_The Last King of Scotland_El ultimo rey de Escocia_Kevin Macdonald
996_Borat_Larry Charles
997_Babel_Alejandro González Iñárritu
998_The Queen_Stephen Frears
999_Apocalypto_Mel Gibson
1000_The Departed_Infiltrados_Martin Scorsese
1001_Volver_Pedro Almodóvar
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The cover of the 2nd edition, with a still from Psycho. | |
Author | Steven Jay Schneider, general editor |
Country | United Kingdom |
Language | English |
Series | Quintessence Editions, sholay biyaThe 1001 Before You Die series |
Subject | Film |
Genre | Non-fiction |
Published | 13 November 2003 (Cassell Illustrated) |
Media type | Print (Hardcover) |
Pages | 960 (1st edition) |
ISBN | 978-1-84403-044-6 |
OCLC | 223768961 |
LC Class | PN1998 .A16 2003 |
1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die is a film reference book edited by Steven Jay Schneider with original essays on each film contributed by over 70 film critics. It is a part of a series designed and produced by Quintessence Editions, a London-based company, and published in English-language versions by Cassell Illustrated (UK), ABC Books (the publishing division of Australian Broadcasting Corporation), and Barron's (US). The first edition was published in 2003; the most recent edition was published in 2018. Contributors include Adrian Martin, Jonathan Rosenbaum, Richard Peña, David Stratton, and Margaret Pomeranz.
Each title is accompanied by a brief synopsis and critique, some with photographs. Presented chronologically, the 7th edition begins with Georges Méliès' A Trip to the Moon from 1902 and ends in 2018 with Black Panther.
The book has been popular in Australia, where it was the seventh best-selling book in the country for a week in April 2004[1] and was promoted alongside the presentation of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation's My Favourite Film television special.[2]
The book has been published in many languages, including English, German, Dutch, Swedish, Greek, Norwegian, Finnish, Danish, Portuguese (Brazilian and Portuguese editions), Romanian, Hungarian, French, Spanish, Slovene, Croatian, Turkish, Estonian, and Polish.
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Peliculas Romanticas Que Hay Que Ver
From the 7th edition, published in 2017.[3]Digital video essentials torrent.
Movies (2017 edition) | |||
Year | Title | Director | Country |
1902 | Le voyage dans la lune | Georges Méliès | France |
1903 | The Great Train Robbery | Edwin S. Porter | United States |
1915 | The Birth of a Nation | D. W. Griffith | United States |
1915 | Les vampires | Louis Feuillade | France |
1916 | Intolerance | D. W. Griffith | United States |
1919 | Broken Blossoms | D. W. Griffith | United States |
1920 | Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari | Robert Wiene | Germany |
1920 | Within Our Gates | Oscar Micheaux | United States |
1921 | Orphans of the Storm | D. W. Griffith | United States |
1921 | Körkarlen | Victor Sjöström | Sweden |
1922 | Dr. Mabuse, der Spieler | Fritz Lang | Germany |
1922 | Nanook of the North | Robert J. Flaherty | United States |
1922 | Nosferatu | F. W. Murnau | Germany |
1922 | Häxan | Benjamin Christensen | Sweden, Denmark |
1922 | Foolish Wives | Erich von Stroheim | United States |
1923 | La souriante Madame Beudet | Germaine Dulac | France |
1923 | Our Hospitality | Buster Keaton | United States |
1923 | La roue | Abel Gance | France |
1924 | Der letzte Mann | F. W. Murnau | Germany |
1924 | Sherlock Jr. | Buster Keaton | United States |
1924 | The Great White Silence | Herbert Ponting | United Kingdom |
1924 | Greed | Erich von Stroheim | United States |
1924 | The Thief of Bagdad | Raoul Walsh | United States |
1925 | Stachka | Sergei Eisenstein | Russia (USSR) |
1925 | The Eagle | Clarence Brown | United States |
1925 | The Phantom of the Opera | Rupert Julian | United States |
1925 | Bronenosets Potyomkin | Sergei Eisenstein | Russia (USSR) |
1925 | The Gold Rush | Charlie Chaplin | United States |
1925 | The Big Parade | King Vidor | United States |
1926 | Die Abenteuer des Prinzen Achmed | Lotte Reiniger | Germany |
1926 | The General | Buster Keaton, Clyde Bruckman | United States |
1927 | Metropolis | Fritz Lang | Germany |
1927 | Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans | F. W. Murnau | United States |
1927 | The Unknown | Tod Browning | United States |
1927 | The Jazz Singer | Alan Crosland | United States |
1927 | Napoléon | Abel Gance | France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Sweden, Czechia |
1927 | The Kid Brother | Ted Wilde, J.A. Howe | United States |
1928 | Oktyabr | Sergei Eisenstein | Russia (USSR) |
1928 | The Crowd | King Vidor | United States |
1928 | The Docks of New York | Josef von Sternberg | United States |
1928 | La passion de Jeanne d'Arc | Carl Theodor Dreyer | France |
1928 | Steamboat Bill, Jr. | Charles Reisner | United States |
1928 | Potomok Chingis-Khana | Vsevolod Pudovkin | Russia (USSR) |
1929 | Un chien andalou | Luis Buñuel | France |
1929 | Prapancha Pash | Franz Osten | United Kingdom, India, Germany |
1929 | Chelovek s kino-apparatom | Dziga Vertov | Russia (USSR) |
1929 | Die Büchse der Pandora | G. W. Pabst | Germany |
1929 | Blackmail | Alfred Hitchcock | United Kingdom |
1930 | L'âge d'or | Luis Buñuel | France |
1930 | All Quiet on the Western Front | Lewis Milestone | United States |
1930 | Der blaue Engel | Josef von Sternberg | Germany |
1930 | Zemlya | Alexander Dovzhenko | Russia (USSR) |
1931 | Little Caesar | Mervyn LeRoy | United States |
1931 | À nous la liberté | René Clair | France |
1931 | Limite | Mário Peixoto | Brazil |
1931 | Tabu: A Story of the South Seas | F.W. Murnau | United States |
1931 | City Lights | Charlie Chaplin | United States |
1931 | Dracula | Tod Browning | United States |
1931 | Frankenstein | James Whale | United States |
1931 | The Public Enemy | William A. Wellman | United States |
1931 | M | Fritz Lang | Germany |
1932 | Vampyr | Carl Theodor Dreyer | Germany, France |
1932 | I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang | Mervyn LeRoy | United States |
1932 | Boudu sauvé des eaux | Jean Renoir | France |
1932 | Love Me Tonight | Rouben Mamoulian | United States |
1932 | Shanghai Express | Josef von Sternberg | United States |
1932 | Trouble in Paradise | Ernst Lubitsch | United States |
1932 | Scarface | Howard Hawks | United States |
1932 | Freaks | Tod Browning | United States |
1933 | 42nd Street | Lloyd Bacon | United States |
1933 | Footlight Parade | Lloyd Bacon | United States |
1933 | The Bitter Tea of General Yen | Frank Capra | United States |
1933 | She Done Him Wrong | Lowell Sherman | United States |
1933 | Duck Soup | Leo McCarey | United States |
1933 | Zéro de conduite: Jeunes diables au collège | Jean Vigo | France |
1933 | Gold Diggers of 1933 | Mervyn LeRoy | United States |
1933 | King Kong | Merian C. Cooper, Ernest B. Schoedsack | United States |
1933 | Las Hurdes | Luis Buñuel | Spain |
1933 | Sons of the Desert | William A. Seiter | United States |
1933 | Queen Christina | Rouben Mamoulian | United States |
1934 | It's a Gift | Norman Z. McLeod | United States |
1934 | Shen nu | Wu Yonggang | China |
1934 | It Happened One Night | Frank Capra | United States |
1934 | L'Atalante | Jean Vigo | France |
1934 | The Black Cat | Edgar G. Ulmer | United States |
1934 | The Thin Man | W. S. Van Dyke | United States |
1935 | The 39 Steps | Alfred Hitchcock | United Kingdom |
1935 | Triumph des Willens | Leni Riefenstahl | Germany |
1935 | Mutiny on the Bounty | Frank Lloyd | United States |
1935 | A Night at the Opera | Sam Wood | United States |
1935 | Bride of Frankenstein | James Whale | United States |
1935 | Captain Blood | Michael Curtiz | United States |
1935 | Top Hat | Mark Sandrich | United States |
1935 | Peter Ibbetson | Henry Hathaway | United States |
1936 | Modern Times | Charlie Chaplin | United States |
1936 | Swing Time | George Stevens | United States |
1936 | Mr. Deeds Goes to Town | Frank Capra | United States |
1936 | My Man Godfrey | Gregory La Cava | United States |
1936 | Le roman d'un tricheur | Sacha Guitry | France |
1936 | Camille | George Cukor | United States |
1936 | Things to Come | William Cameron Menzies | United Kingdom |
1936 | Dodsworth | William Wyler | United States |
1936 | Partie de campagne | Jean Renoir | France |
1937 | The Awful Truth | Leo McCarey | United States |
1937 | Pépé le Moko | Julien Duvivier | France |
1937 | Make Way for Tomorrow | Leo McCarey | United States |
1937 | La grande illusion | Jean Renoir | France |
1937 | Stella Dallas | King Vidor | United States |
1937 | Ye ban ge sheng | Ma-Xu Weibang | China |
1937 | Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs | David Hand | United States |
1937 | Captains Courageous | Victor Fleming | United States |
1937 | The Life of Emile Zola | William Dieterle | United States |
1938 | The Adventures of Robin Hood | Michael Curtiz, William Keighley | United States |
1938 | Angels with Dirty Faces | Michael Curtiz | United States |
1938 | Jezebel | William Wyler | United States |
1938 | La femme du boulanger | Marcel Pagnol | France |
1938 | Bringing Up Baby | Howard Hawks | United States |
1938 | Olympia | Leni Riefenstahl | Germany |
1938 | The Lady Vanishes | Alfred Hitchcock | United Kingdom |
1939 | Wuthering Heights | William Wyler | United States |
1939 | Mr. Smith Goes to Washington | Frank Capra | United States |
1939 | Stagecoach | John Ford | United States |
1939 | Only Angels Have Wings | Howard Hawks | United States |
1939 | Destry Rides Again | George Marshall | United States |
1939 | Gone with the Wind | Victor Fleming | United States |
1939 | Le jour se lève | Marcel Carné | France |
1939 | Gunga Din | George Stevens | United States |
1939 | Ninotchka | Ernst Lubitsch | United States |
1939 | The Wizard of Oz | Victor Fleming | United States |
1939 | La règle du jeu | Jean Renoir | France |
1939 | Zangiku monogatari | Kenji Mizoguchi | Japan |
1940 | His Girl Friday | Howard Hawks | United States |
1940 | Fantasia | Ben Sharpsteen | United States |
1940 | Rebecca | Alfred Hitchcock | United States |
1940 | The Philadelphia Story | George Cukor | United States |
1940 | The Grapes of Wrath | John Ford | United States |
1940 | The Mortal Storm | Frank Borzage | United States |
1940 | The Bank Dick | Edward F. Cline | United States |
1940 | Pinocchio | Ben Sharpsteen | United States |
1941 | Citizen Kane | Orson Welles | United States |
1941 | Sergeant York | Howard Hawks | United States |
1941 | The Lady Eve | Preston Sturges | United States |
1941 | The Wolf Man | George Waggner | United States |
1941 | High Sierra | Raoul Walsh | United States |
1941 | How Green Was My Valley | John Ford | United States |
1941 | Sullivan's Travels | Preston Sturges | United States |
1941 | The Maltese Falcon | John Huston | United States |
1941 | Dumbo | Ben Sharpsteen | United States |
1942 | The Palm Beach Story | Preston Sturges | United States |
1942 | Now, Voyager | Irving Rapper | United States |
1942 | To Be or Not to Be | Ernst Lubitsch | United States |
1942 | The Magnificent Ambersons | Orson Welles, Fred Fleck | United States |
1942 | Yankee Doodle Dandy | Michael Curtiz | United States |
1942 | Mrs. Miniver | William Wyler | United States |
1942 | Casablanca | Michael Curtiz | United States |
1942 | Cat People | Jacques Tourneur | United States |
1943 | Fires Were Started | Humphrey Jennings | United Kingdom |
1943 | The Ox-Bow Incident | William A. Wellman | United States |
1943 | The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp | Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger | United Kingdom |
1943 | Meshes of the Afternoon | Maya Deren, Alexander Hammid | United States |
1943 | The Seventh Victim | Mark Robson | United States |
1943 | The Man in Grey | Leslie Arliss | United Kingdom |
1943 | Shadow of a Doubt | Alfred Hitchcock | United States |
1943 | Ossessione | Luchino Visconti | Italy |
1944 | Laura | Otto Preminger | United States |
1944 | Meet Me in St. Louis | Vincente Minnelli | United States |
1944 | To Have and Have Not | Howard Hawks | United States |
1944 | Gaslight | George Cukor | United States |
1944 | Henry V | Laurence Olivier | United Kingdom |
1944 | Double Indemnity | Billy Wilder | United States |
1944 | Murder, My Sweet | Edward Dmytryk | United States |
1945 | Ivan Groznyy | Sergei Eisenstein | Russia (USSR) |
1945 | Mildred Pierce | Michael Curtiz | United States |
1945 | Detour | Edgar G. Ulmer | United States |
1945 | I Know Where I'm Going! | Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger | United Kingdom |
1945 | The Lost Weekend | Billy Wilder | United States |
1945 | Les enfants du paradis | Marcel Carné | France |
1945 | San Pietro | John Huston | United States |
1945 | Brief Encounter | David Lean | United Kingdom |
1945 | Roma città aperta | Roberto Rossellini | Italy |
1946 | The Best Years of Our Lives | William Wyler | United States |
1946 | Paisà | Roberto Rossellini | Italy |
1946 | The Postman Always Rings Twice | Tay Garnett | United States |
1946 | La belle et la bête | Jean Cocteau | France |
1946 | The Killers | Robert Siodmak | United States |
1946 | It's a Wonderful Life | Frank Capra | United States |
1946 | The Big Sleep | Howard Hawks | United States |
1946 | Gilda | Charles Vidor | United States |
1946 | A Matter of Life and Death | Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger | United Kingdom |
1946 | Great Expectations | David Lean | United Kingdom |
1946 | My Darling Clementine | John Ford | United States |
1946 | Notorious | Alfred Hitchcock | United States |
1947 | Black Narcissus | Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger | United Kingdom |
1947 | Out of the Past | Jacques Tourneur | United States |
1947 | Monsieur Verdoux | Charlie Chaplin | United States |
1947 | Odd Man Out | Carol Reed | United Kingdom |
1947 | Secret Beyond the Door.. | Fritz Lang | United States |
1947 | The Lady from Shanghai | Orson Welles | United States |
1948 | Ladri di biciclette | Vittorio De Sica | Italy |
1948 | Letter from an Unknown Woman | Max Ophüls | United States |
1948 | Force of Evil | Abraham Polonsky | United States |
1948 | Xiao cheng zhi chun | Fei Mu | China |
1948 | Red River | Howard Hawks | United States |
1948 | The Paleface | Norman Z. McLeod | United States |
1948 | The Snake Pit | Anatole Litvak | United States |
1948 | Rope | Alfred Hitchcock | United States |
1948 | The Red Shoes | Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger | United Kingdom |
1948 | The Treasure of the Sierra Madre | John Huston | United States |
1948 | Louisiana Story | Robert J. Flaherty | United States |
1949 | Adam's Rib | George Cukor | United States |
1949 | The Reckless Moment | Max Ophüls | United States |
1949 | White Heat | Raoul Walsh | United States |
1949 | The Heiress | William Wyler | United States |
1949 | The Third Man | Carol Reed | United Kingdom |
1949 | Kind Hearts and Coronets | Robert Hamer | United Kingdom |
1949 | Whisky Galore! | Alexander Mackendrick | United Kingdom |
1949 | On the Town | Leonard Bernstein, Roger Edens | United States |
1950 | All About Eve | Joseph L. Mankiewicz | United States |
1950 | The Asphalt Jungle | John Huston | United States |
1950 | Gun Crazy | Joseph H. Lewis | United States |
1950 | Orphée | Jean Cocteau | France |
1950 | Rashômon | Akira Kurosawa | Japan |
1950 | Winchester '73 | Anthony Mann | United States |
1950 | Rio Grande | John Ford | United States |
1950 | Sunset Blvd. | Billy Wilder | United States |
1950 | Los olvidados | Luis Buñuel | Mexico |
1950 | In a Lonely Place | Nicholas Ray | United States |
1951 | Ace in the Hole | Billy Wilder | United States |
1951 | The African Queen | John Huston | United States |
1951 | An American in Paris | Vincente Minnelli | United States |
1951 | Strangers on a Train | Alfred Hitchcock | United States |
1951 | A Streetcar Named Desire | Elia Kazan | United States |
1951 | Pandora and the Flying Dutchman | Albert Lewin | United Kingdom |
1951 | A Place in the Sun | George Stevens | United States |
1951 | The Lavender Hill Mob | Charles Crichton | United Kingdom |
1951 | Journal d'un curé de campagne | Robert Bresson | France |
1951 | The Day the Earth Stood Still | Robert Wise | United States |
1952 | The Quiet Man | John Ford | United States |
1952 | Jeux interdits | René Clément | France |
1952 | Europa '51 | Roberto Rossellini | Italy |
1952 | Singin' in the Rain | Gene Kelly, Stanley Donen | United States |
1952 | The Bad and the Beautiful | Vincente Minnelli | United States |
1952 | Ikiru | Akira Kurosawa | Japan |
1952 | Umberto D. | Vittorio De Sica | Italy |
1952 | High Noon | Fred Zinnemann | United States |
1952 | Le carrosse d'or | Jean Renoir | Italy, France |
1953 | Sommaren med Monika | Ingmar Bergman | Sweden |
1953 | Pickup on South Street | Samuel Fuller | United States |
1953 | The Band Wagon | Vincente Minnelli | United States |
1953 | Les vacances de Monsieur Hulot | Jacques Tati | France |
1953 | Madame de.. | Max Ophüls | France, Italy |
1953 | Le salaire de la peur | Henri-Georges Clouzot | France, Italy |
1953 | The Bigamist | Ida Lupino | United States |
1953 | The Naked Spur | Anthony Mann | United States |
1953 | Tôkyô monogatari | Yasujirō Ozu | Japan |
1953 | From Here to Eternity | Fred Zinnemann | United States |
1953 | Ugetsu monogatari | Kenji Mizoguchi | Japan |
1953 | Shane | George Stevens | United States |
1953 | Gentlemen Prefer Blondes | Howard Hawks | United States |
1953 | Roman Holiday | William Wyler | United States |
1953 | The Big Heat | Fritz Lang | United States |
1954 | Viaggio in Italia | Roberto Rossellini | France, Italy |
1954 | On the Waterfront | Elia Kazan | United States |
1954 | La strada | Federico Fellini | Italy |
1954 | A Star Is Born | George Cukor | United States |
1954 | Rear Window | Alfred Hitchcock | United States |
1954 | Senso | Luchino Visconti | Italy |
1954 | Silver Lode | Allan Dwan | United States |
1954 | The Barefoot Contessa | Joseph L. Mankiewicz | United States, Italy |
1954 | Shichinin no samurai | Akira Kurosawa | Japan |
1954 | Sanshô dayû | Kenji Mizoguchi | Japan |
1954 | Carmen Jones | Otto Preminger | United States |
1954 | Johnny Guitar | Nicholas Ray | United States |
1954 | Salt of the Earth | Herbert J. Biberman | United States |
1955 | All That Heaven Allows | Douglas Sirk | United States |
1955 | Bad Day at Black Rock | John Sturges | United States |
1955 | Les diaboliques | Henri-Georges Clouzot | France |
1955 | Lola Montès | Max Ophüls | France, Germany |
1955 | Pather Panchali | Satyajit Ray | India |
1955 | Ordet | Carl Theodor Dreyer | Denmark |
1955 | Marty | Delbert Mann | United States |
1955 | Artists and Models | Frank Tashlin | United States |
1955 | Rebel Without a Cause | Nicholas Ray | United States |
1955 | Les maîtres fous | Jean Rouch | United States |
1955 | Giv'a 24 Eina Ona | Thorold Dickinson | Israel |
1955 | The Phenix City Story | Phil Karlson | United States |
1955 | The Man with the Golden Arm | Otto Preminger | United States |
1955 | Kiss Me Deadly | Robert Aldrich | United States |
1955 | Guys and Dolls | Joseph L. Mankiewicz | United States |
1955 | The Night of the Hunter | Charles Laughton | United States |
1955 | The Ladykillers | Alexander Mackendrick | United Kingdom |
1955 | Oklahoma! | Fred Zinnemann | United States |
1955 | Sommarnattens leende | Ingmar Bergman | Sweden |
1956 | Nuit et brouillard | Alain Resnais | France |
1956 | Bob le flambeur | Jean-Pierre Melville | France |
1956 | The Ten Commandments | Cecil B. DeMille | United States |
1956 | The Searchers | John Ford | United States |
1956 | Biruma no tategoto | Kon Ichikawa | Japan |
1956 | Forbidden Planet | Fred M. Wilcox | United States |
1956 | Written on the Wind | Douglas Sirk | United States |
1956 | Un condamné à mort s'est échappé | Robert Bresson | France |
1956 | Bigger Than Life | Nicholas Ray | United States |
1956 | Invasion of the Body Snatchers | Don Siegel | United States |
1956 | Giant | George Stevens | United States |
1956 | The Wrong Man | Alfred Hitchcock | United States |
1956 | High Society | Charles Walters | United States |
1956 | Aparajito | Satyajit Ray | India |
1957 | 12 Angry Men | Sidney Lumet | United States |
1957 | Kumonosu-jô | Akira Kurosawa | Japan |
1957 | Paths of Glory | Stanley Kubrick | United States |
1957 | An Affair to Remember | Leo McCarey | United States |
1957 | Det sjunde inseglet | Ingmar Bergman | Sweden |
1957 | Smultronstället | Ingmar Bergman | Sweden |
1957 | The Incredible Shrinking Man | Jack Arnold | United States |
1957 | Gunfight at the O.K. Corral | John Sturges | United States |
1957 | Le notti di Cabiria | Federico Fellini | Italy, France |
1957 | Letyat zhuravli | Mikhail Kalatozov | Russia (USSR) |
1957 | The Bridge on the River Kwai | David Lean | United Kingdom |
1957 | Sweet Smell of Success | Alexander Mackendrick | United States |
1957 | Mother India | Mehboob Khan | India |
1958 | Popiół i diament | Andrzej Wajda | Poland |
1958 | Bab el hadid | Youssef Chahine | Egypt |
1958 | Touch of Evil | Orson Welles | United States |
1958 | Gigi | Vincente Minnelli | United States |
1958 | The Defiant Ones | Stanley Kramer | United States |
1958 | Man of the West | Anthony Mann | United States |
1958 | Vertigo | Alfred Hitchcock | United States |
1958 | Jalsaghar | Satyajit Ray | India |
1958 | Mon oncle | Jacques Tati | France, Italy |
1958 | Some Came Running | Vincente Minnelli | United States |
1958 | Dracula | Terence Fisher | United Kingdom |
1959 | Les quatre cents coups | François Truffaut | France |
1959 | Anatomy of a Murder | Otto Preminger | United States |
1959 | Apur Sansar | Satyajit Ray | India |
1959 | Some Like It Hot | Billy Wilder | United States |
1959 | North by Northwest | Alfred Hitchcock | United States |
1959 | Pickpocket | Robert Bresson | France |
1959 | Hiroshima mon amour | Alain Resnais | France |
1959 | Ride Lonesome | Budd Boetticher | United States |
1959 | Orfeu Negro | Marcel Camus | France, Brazil |
1959 | Ben-Hur | William Wyler | United States |
1959 | Shadows | John Cassavetes | United States |
1959 | Rio Bravo | Howard Hawks | United States |
1959 | Ukikusa | Yasujirō Ozu | Japan |
1960 | À bout de souffle | Jean-Luc Godard | France |
1960 | L'avventura | Michelangelo Antonioni | Italy, France |
1960 | The Apartment | Billy Wilder | United States |
1960 | Les yeux sans visage | Georges Franju | France, Italy |
1960 | Saturday Night and Sunday Morning | Karel Reisz | United Kingdom |
1960 | La dolce vita | Federico Fellini | Italy, France |
1960 | Le trou | Jacques Becker | France, Italy |
1960 | Rocco e i suoi fratelli | Luchino Visconti | Italy |
1960 | Spartacus | Stanley Kubrick | United States |
1960 | Hanyo | Kim Ki-young | South Korea |
1960 | Meghe Dhaka Tara | Ritwik Ghatak | India |
1960 | Psycho | Alfred Hitchcock | United States |
1960 | Tirez sur le pianiste | François Truffaut | France |
1960 | Peeping Tom | Michael Powell | United Kingdom |
1960 | La maschera del demonio | Mario Bava | Italy |
1961 | Splendor in the Grass | Elia Kazan | United States |
1961 | Viridiana | Luis Buñuel | Spain, Mexico |
1961 | Breakfast at Tiffany's | Blake Edwards | United States |
1961 | Lola | Jacques Demy | France, Italy |
1961 | The Exiles | Kent Mackenzie | United States |
1961 | La notte | Michelangelo Antonioni | Italy, France |
1961 | West Side Story | Robert Wise, Jerome Robbins | United States |
1961 | The Hustler | Robert Rossen | United States |
1961 | The Ladies Man | Jerry Lewis | United States |
1961 | Såsom i en spegel | Ingmar Bergman | Sweden |
1961 | Chronique d'un été | Jean Rouch, Edgar Morin | France |
1961 | L'année dernière à Marienbad | Alain Resnais | France, Italy |
1962 | Sanma no aji | Yasujirō Ozu | Japan |
1962 | Vivre sa vie: Film en douze tableaux | Jean-Luc Godard | France |
1962 | Cléo de 5 à 7 | Agnès Varda | France, Italy |
1962 | Lolita | Stanley Kubrick | United States, United Kingdom |
1962 | The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance | John Ford | United States |
1962 | Heaven and Earth Magic | Harry Everett Smith | United States |
1962 | Lawrence of Arabia | David Lean | United Kingdom |
1962 | To Kill a Mockingbird | Robert Mulligan | United States |
1962 | O Pagador de Promessas | Anselmo Duarte | Brazil, Portugal |
1962 | L'eclisse | Michelangelo Antonioni | Italy, France |
1962 | Mondo cane | Paolo Cavara, Franco Prosperi, Gualtiero Jacopetti | Italy |
1962 | El Ángel Exterminador | Luis Buñuel | Mexico |
1962 | Jules et Jim | François Truffaut | France |
1962 | The Manchurian Candidate | John Frankenheimer | United States |
1962 | What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? | Robert Aldrich | United States |
1963 | 8½ | Federico Fellini | Italy, France |
1963 | The Birds | Alfred Hitchcock | United States |
1963 | Pasazerka | Andrzej Munk | Poland |
1963 | The Servant | Joseph Losey | United Kingdom |
1963 | Flaming Creatures | Jack Smith | United States |
1963 | Khaneh siah ast | Forough Farrokhzad | Iran |
1963 | Hud | Martin Ritt | United States |
1963 | Il gattopardo | Luchino Visconti | Italy, France |
1963 | Vidas Secas | Nelson Pereira dos Santos | Brazil |
1963 | Shock Corridor | Samuel Fuller | United States |
1963 | Le mépris | Jean-Luc Godard | France, Italy |
1963 | Blonde Cobra | Ken Jacobs | United States |
1963 | The Cool World | Shirley Clarke | United States |
1963 | The Nutty Professor | Jerry Lewis | United States |
1963 | The Great Escape | John Sturges | United States |
1963 | Méditerranée | Jean-Daniel Pollet | France |
1963 | Yukinojô henge | Kon Ichikawa | Japan |
1963 | The Haunting | Robert Wise | United Kingdom |
1964 | Dog Star Man | Stan Brakhage | United States |
1964 | Goldfinger | Guy Hamilton | United Kingdom |
1964 | My Fair Lady | George Cukor | United States |
1964 | Il deserto rosso | Michelangelo Antonioni | Italy, France |
1964 | Suna no onna | Hiroshi Teshigahara | Japan |
1964 | Marnie | Alfred Hitchcock | United States |
1964 | The Masque of the Red Death | Roger Corman | United Kingdom |
1964 | Prima della rivoluzione | Bernardo Bertolucci | Italy |
1964 | Dr. Strangelove | Stanley Kubrick | United Kingdom |
1964 | Deus e o Diabo na Terra do Sol | Glauber Rocha | Brazil |
1964 | A Hard Day's Night | Richard Lester | United Kingdom |
1964 | Les parapluies de Cherbourg | Jacques Demy | France, Germany |
1964 | Gertrud | Carl Theodor Dreyer | Denmark |
1964 | Mary Poppins | Robert Stevenson | United States |
1964 | Onibaba | Kaneto Shindo | Japan |
1964 | Il vangelo secondo Matteo | Pier Paolo Pasolini | France, Italy |
1965 | Tini zabutykh predkiv | Sergei Parajanov | Ukraine (USSR) |
1965 | Scorpio Rising | Kenneth Anger | United States |
1965 | Alphaville | Jean-Luc Godard | France, Italy |
1965 | Obchod na korze | Ján Kadár, Elmar Klos | Czechia, Slovakia (Czechoslovakia) |
1965 | Doctor Zhivago | David Lean | United States |
1965 | The War Game | Peter Watkins | United Kingdom |
1965 | Tôkyô orinpikku | Kon Ichikawa | Japan |
1965 | Giulietta degli spiriti | Federico Fellini | Italy, France, Germany |
1965 | The Sound of Music | Robert Wise | United States |
1965 | Falstaff (Chimes at Midnight) | Orson Welles | Spain, Switzerland |
1965 | Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! | Russ Meyer | United States |
1965 | Vinyl | Andy Warhol | United States |
1965 | Rekopis znaleziony w Saragossie | Wojciech Jerzy Has | Poland |
1965 | Repulsion | Roman Polanski | United Kingdom |
1965 | Pierrot le fou | Jean-Luc Godard | France, Italy |
1965 | Subarnarekha | Ritwik Ghatak | India |
1966 | Andrey Rublev | Andrei Tarkovsky | Russia (USSR) |
1966 | Au hasard Balthazar | Robert Bresson | France, Sweden |
1966 | La battaglia di Algeri | Gillo Pontecorvo | Algeria, Italy |
1966 | De man die zijn haar kort liet knippen | André Delvaux | Belgium |
1966 | Hold Me While I'm Naked | George Kuchar | United States |
1966 | Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? | Mike Nichols | United States |
1966 | Blowup | Michelangelo Antonioni | United Kingdom, Italy |
1966 | Sedmikrásky | Věra Chytilová | Czechia (Czechoslovakia) |
1966 | Da zui xia | King Hu | Hong Kong |
1966 | Seconds | John Frankenheimer | United States |
1966 | Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo | Sergio Leone | Italy, Spain |
1966 | Persona | Ingmar Bergman | Sweden |
1966 | Masculin féminin | Jean-Luc Godard | France, Sweden |
1966 | Ostre sledované vlaky | Jiří Menzel | Czechia (Czechoslovakia) |
1967 | Report | Bruce Conner | United States |
1967 | 2 ou 3 choses que je sais d'elle | Jean-Luc Godard | France |
1967 | Belle de jour | Luis Buñuel | France, Italy |
1967 | Cool Hand Luke | Stuart Rosenberg | United States |
1967 | Playtime | Jacques Tati | France, Italy |
1967 | Csillagosok, katonák | Miklós Jancsó | Hungary, Russia (USSR) |
1967 | The Graduate | Mike Nichols | United States |
1967 | Point Blank | John Boorman | United States |
1967 | Les demoiselles de Rochefort | Jacques Demy | France |
1967 | Week End | Jean-Luc Godard | France, Italy |
1967 | Le samouraï | Jean-Pierre Melville | France, Italy |
1967 | Wavelength | Michael Snow | United States, Canada |
1967 | Terra em Transe | Glauber Rocha | Brazil |
1967 | In the Heat of the Night | Norman Jewison | United States |
1967 | Marketa Lazarová | František Vláčil | Czechia, Slovakia (Czechoslovakia) |
1967 | Horí, má panenko | Miloš Forman | Czechia (Czechoslovakia), Italy |
1967 | The Jungle Book | Wolfgang Reitherman | United States |
1967 | Bonnie and Clyde | Arthur Penn | United States |
1967 | Viy | Konstantin Yershov, Georgi Kropachyov | Russia (USSR) |
1967 | David Holzman's Diary | Jim McBride | United States |
1967 | The Producers | Mel Brooks | United States |
1968 | 2001: A Space Odyssey | Stanley Kubrick | United Kingdom |
1968 | C'era una volta il West | Sergio Leone | United States |
1968 | Faces | John Cassavetes | United States |
1968 | Planet of the Apes | Franklin J. Schaffner | United States |
1968 | Rosemary's Baby | Roman Polanski | United States |
1968 | If.. | Lindsay Anderson | United Kingdom |
1968 | Memorias del subdesarrollo | Tomás Gutiérrez Alea | Cuba |
1968 | High School | Frederick Wiseman | United States |
1968 | Vargtimmen | Ingmar Bergman | Sweden |
1968 | Night of the Living Dead | George A. Romero | United States |
1968 | Targets | Peter Bogdanovich | United States |
1968 | Skammen | Ingmar Bergman | Sweden |
1968 | Sayat Nova | Sergei Parajanov | Armenia (USSR) |
1968 | Lucía | Humberto Solás | Cuba |
1968 | In the Year of the Pig | Emile de Antonio | United States |
1969 | Gaav | Dariush Mehrjui | Iran |
1969 | Z | Costa-Gavras | France, Algeria |
1969 | Fellini - Satyricon | Federico Fellini | Italy |
1969 | Midnight Cowboy | John Schlesinger | United States |
1969 | Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid | George Roy Hill | United States |
1969 | Easy Rider | Dennis Hopper | United States |
1969 | Kes | Ken Loach | United Kingdom |
1969 | The Wild Bunch | Sam Peckinpah | United States |
1969 | Ma nuit chez Maud | Éric Rohmer | France |
1969 | Le chagrin et la pitié | Marcel Ophüls | France, Germany, Switzerland |
1970 | Tristana | Luis Buñuel | France, Italy, Spain |
1970 | Il conformista | Bernardo Bertolucci | Italy, France |
1970 | Le boucher | Claude Chabrol | France |
1970 | El topo | Alejandro Jodorowsky | Mexico |
1970 | Five Easy Pieces | Bob Rafelson | United States |
1970 | Deep End | Jerzy Skolimowski | United Kingdom, Poland, Germany |
1970 | Strategia del ragno | Bernardo Bertolucci | Italy |
1970 | Ucho | Karel Kachyňa | Czechia (Czechoslovakia) |
1970 | Little Big Man | Arthur Penn | United States |
1970 | Patton | Franklin J. Schaffner | United States |
1970 | L'uccello dalle piume di cristallo | Dario Argento | Italy, Germany |
1970 | MASH | Robert Altman | United States |
1970 | Zabriskie Point | Michelangelo Antonioni | United States |
1970 | Performance | Donald Cammell, Nicolas Roeg | United Kingdom |
1970 | Woodstock | Michael Wadleigh | United States |
1970 | Gimme Shelter | Albert and David Maysles, Charlotte Zwerin | United States |
1970 | Il giardino dei Finzi Contini | Vittorio de Sica | Italy, Germany |
1970 | Wanda | Barbara Loden | United States |
1971 | Xia nü | King Hu | Taiwan |
1971 | Dirty Harry | Don Siegel | United States |
1971 | A Clockwork Orange | Stanley Kubrick | United Kingdom |
1971 | McCabe & Mrs. Miller | Robert Altman | United States |
1971 | Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory | Mel Stuart | United States |
1971 | The Devils | Ken Russell | United Kingdom |
1971 | The Hired Hand | Peter Fonda | United States |
1971 | W.R. - Misterije organizma | Dušan Makavejev | Serbia (Yugoslavia), Germany |
1971 | Walkabout | Nicolas Roeg | United Kingdom |
1971 | Klute | Alan J. Pakula | United States |
1971 | Harold and Maude | Hal Ashby | United States |
1971 | The French Connection | William Friedkin | United States |
1971 | Get Carter | Mike Hodges | United Kingdom |
1971 | Shaft | Gordon Parks | United States |
1971 | Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song | Melvin Van Peebles | United States |
1971 | The Last Picture Show | Peter Bogdanovich | United States |
1971 | Le souffle au coeur | Louis Malle | France, Italy, Germany |
1971 | Straw Dogs | Sam Peckinpah | United Kingdom |
1971 | Two-Lane Blacktop | Monte Hellman | United States |
1971 | Wake in Fright | Ted Kotcheff | Australia, United States |
1972 | Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes | Werner Herzog | Germany, Peru, Mexico |
1972 | Még kér a nép | Miklós Jancsó | Hungary |
1972 | Deliverance | John Boorman | United States |
1972 | Cabaret | Bob Fosse | United States |
1972 | Solyaris | Andrei Tarkovsky | Russia (USSR) |
1972 | Viskningar och rop | Ingmar Bergman | Sweden |
1972 | Le charme discret de la bourgeoisie | Luis Buñuel | France, Italy, Spain |
1972 | The Godfather | Francis Ford Coppola | United States |
1972 | Ultimo tango a Parigi | Bernardo Bertolucci | Italy, France |
1972 | Die bitteren Tränen der Petra von Kant | Rainer Werner Fassbinder | Germany |
1972 | Fat City | John Huston | United States |
1972 | The Heartbreak Kid | Elaine May | United States |
1972 | Frenzy | Alfred Hitchcock | United Kingdom |
1972 | Pink Flamingos | John Waters | United States |
1972 | Sleuth | Joseph L. Mankiewicz | United States |
1972 | Super Fly | Gordon Parks, Jr. | United States |
1972 | The Harder They Come | Perry Henzell | Jamaica |
1973 | American Graffiti | George Lucas | United States |
1973 | The Sting | George Roy Hill | United States |
1973 | La maman et la putain | Jean Eustache | France |
1973 | High Plains Drifter | Clint Eastwood | United States |
1973 | Badlands | Terrence Malick | United States |
1973 | Papillon | Franklin J. Schaffner | United States, France |
1973 | The Long Goodbye | Robert Altman | United States |
1973 | The Wicker Man | Robin Hardy | United Kingdom |
1973 | Enter the Dragon | Robert Clouse | Hong Kong, United States |
1973 | Serpico | Sidney Lumet | United States, Italy |
1973 | Don't Look Now | Nicolas Roeg | United Kingdom, Italy |
1973 | La nuit américaine | François Truffaut | France |
1973 | Mean Streets | Martin Scorsese | United States |
1973 | Sleeper | Woody Allen | United States |
1973 | The Exorcist | William Friedkin | United States |
1973 | F for Fake | Orson Welles | France, Iran, Germany |
1973 | Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid | Sam Peckinpah | United States |
1973 | Turks fruit | Paul Verhoeven | Netherlands |
1973 | El espíritu de la colmena | Víctor Erice | Spain |
1973 | La planète sauvage | René Laloux | Czechia (Czechoslovakia), France |
1973 | Amarcord | Federico Fellini | Italy, France |
1974 | Angst essen Seele auf | Rainer Werner Fassbinder | Germany |
1974 | The Towering Inferno | John Guillermin | United States |
1974 | Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia | Sam Peckinpah | United States, Mexico |
1974 | The Godfather: Part II | Francis Ford Coppola | United States |
1974 | The Conversation | Francis Ford Coppola | United States |
1974 | Chinatown | Roman Polanski | United States |
1974 | A Woman Under the Influence | John Cassavetes | United States |
1974 | Young Frankenstein | Mel Brooks | United States |
1974 | The Texas Chain Saw Massacre | Tobe Hooper | United States |
1974 | Blazing Saddles | Mel Brooks | United States |
1974 | Céline et Julie vont en bateau | Jacques Rivette | France |
1975 | Dersu Uzala | Akira Kurosawa | Russia (USSR), Japan |
1975 | Zerkalo | Andrei Tarkovsky | Russia (USSR) |
1975 | Barry Lyndon | Stanley Kubrick | United Kingdom, United States |
1975 | The Rocky Horror Picture Show | Jim Sharman | United Kingdom, United States |
1975 | Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du commerce, 1080 Bruxelles | Chantal Akerman | Belgium, France |
1975 | O thiasos | Theodoros Angelopoulos | Greece |
1975 | Monty Python and the Holy Grail | Terry Gilliam, Terry Jones | United Kingdom |
1975 | Deewaar | Yash Chopra | India |
1975 | Dog Day Afternoon | Sidney Lumet | United States |
1975 | One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest | Miloš Forman | United States |
1975 | Maynila: Sa mga kuko ng liwanag | Lino Brocka | Philippines |
1975 | Faustrecht der Freiheit | Rainer Werner Fassbinder | Germany |
1975 | Nashville | Robert Altman | United States |
1975 | Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma | Pier Paolo Pasolini | Italy, France |
1975 | Picnic at Hanging Rock | Peter Weir | Australia |
1975 | India Song | Marguerite Duras | France |
1975 | Jaws | Steven Spielberg | United States |
1976 | Ai no korîda | Nagisa Oshima | Japan, France |
1976 | All the President's Men | Alan J. Pakula | United States |
1976 | Cría cuervos | Carlos Saura | Spain |
1976 | The Man Who Fell to Earth | Nicolas Roeg | United Kingdom |
1976 | The Outlaw Josey Wales | Clint Eastwood | United States |
1976 | The Killing of a Chinese Bookie | John Cassavetes | United States |
1976 | Network | Sidney Lumet | United States |
1976 | Carrie | Brian De Palma | United States |
1976 | Taxi Driver | Martin Scorsese | United States |
1976 | Rocky | John G. Avildsen | United States |
1977 | Der amerikanische Freund | Wim Wenders | Germany, France |
1977 | Annie Hall | Woody Allen | United States |
1977 | Voskhozhdenie | Larisa Shepitko | Russia (USSR) |
1977 | Close Encounters of the Third Kind | Steven Spielberg | United States |
1977 | The Last Wave | Peter Weir | Australia |
1977 | Star Wars | George Lucas | United States |
1977 | Stroszek | Werner Herzog | Germany |
1977 | Ceddo | Ousmane Sembène | Senegal |
1977 | Suspiria | Dario Argento | Italy, Germany |
1977 | Sleeping Dogs | Roger Donaldson | New Zealand |
1977 | Last Chants for a Slow Dance | Jon Jost | United States |
1977 | Czlowiek z marmuru | Andrzej Wajda | Poland |
1977 | Saturday Night Fever | John Badham | United States |
1977 | Eraserhead | David Lynch | United States |
1977 | Soldaat van Oranje | Paul Verhoeven | Belgium, Netherlands |
1977 | The Hills Have Eyes | Wes Craven | United States |
1978 | Days of Heaven | Terrence Malick | United States |
1978 | Halloween | John Carpenter | United States |
1978 | L'albero degli zoccoli | Ermanno Olmi | Italy, France |
1978 | The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith | Fred Schepisi | Australia |
1978 | The Deer Hunter | Michael Cimino | United States |
1978 | Dawn of the Dead | George A. Romero | United States, Italy |
1978 | Up in Smoke | Lou Adler | United States |
1978 | Grease | Randal Kleiser | United States |
1978 | Shao Lin san shi liu fang | Liu Chia-Liang | Hong Kong |
1978 | Killer of Sheep | Charles Burnett | United States |
1979 | Alien | Ridley Scott | United States |
1979 | All That Jazz | Bob Fosse | United States |
1979 | Apocalypse Now | Francis Ford Coppola | United States |
1979 | Die Ehe der Maria Braun | Rainer Werner Fassbinder | Germany |
1979 | Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht | Werner Herzog | Germany, France |
1979 | Stalker | Andrei Tarkovsky | Germany, Russia (USSR) |
1979 | Life of Brian | Terry Jones | United Kingdom |
1979 | Real Life | Albert Brooks | United States |
1979 | Breaking Away | Peter Yates | United States |
1979 | Being There | Hal Ashby | United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Japan |
1979 | Manhattan | Woody Allen | United States |
1979 | The Muppet Movie | James Frawley | United States, United Kingdom |
1979 | Cristo si è fermato a Eboli | Francesco Rosi | Italy |
1979 | Mad Max | George Miller | Australia |
1979 | Die Blechtrommel | Volker Schlöndorff | Germany, France, Poland, Yugoslavia |
1979 | The Jerk | Carl Reiner | United States |
1979 | Kramer vs. Kramer | Robert Benton | United States |
1980 | Airplane! | Jim Abrahams, David Zucker, Jerry Zucker | United States |
1980 | Atlantic City, USA | Louis Malle | United States, Canada, France |
1980 | Ordinary People | Robert Redford | United States |
1980 | The Empire Strikes Back | Irvin Kershner | United States |
1980 | Le dernier métro | François Truffaut | France |
1980 | The Shining | Stanley Kubrick | United Kingdom |
1980 | The Elephant Man | David Lynch | United Kingdom, United States |
1980 | The Big Red One | Samuel Fuller | United States |
1980 | Loulou | Maurice Pialat | France |
1980 | Raging Bull | Martin Scorsese | United States |
1981 | An American Werewolf in London | John Landis | United States, United Kingdom |
1981 | Diva | Jean-Jacques Beineix | France |
1981 | Raiders of the Lost Ark | Steven Spielberg | United States |
1981 | Das Boot | Wolfgang Petersen | Germany |
1981 | Gallipoli | Peter Weir | Australia |
1981 | Chariots of Fire | Hugh Hudson | United Kingdom |
1981 | Body Heat | Lawrence Kasdan | United States |
1981 | Czlowiek z zelaza | Andrzej Wajda | Poland |
1981 | Reds | Warren Beatty | United States |
1981 | The Evil Dead | Sam Raimi | United States |
1982 | E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial | Steven Spielberg | United States |
1982 | Fast Times at Ridgemont High | Amy Heckerling | United States |
1982 | Trop tôt/Trop tard | Jean-Marie Straub, Danièle Huillet | France |
1982 | Poltergeist | Tobe Hooper | United States |
1982 | Yol | Yılmaz Güney, Şerif Gören | Turkey, Switzerland, France |
1982 | Blade Runner | Ridley Scott | United States |
1982 | Diner | Barry Levinson | United States |
1982 | Tootsie | Sydney Pollack | United States |
1982 | Fitzcarraldo | Werner Herzog | Germany, Peru |
1982 | Gandhi | Richard Attenborough | United Kingdom, India |
1982 | The Thing | John Carpenter | United States |
1982 | Fanny och Alexander | Ingmar Bergman | Sweden |
1982 | La notte di San Lorenzo | Paolo Taviani, Vittorio Taviani | Italy |
1982 | De stilte rond Christine M. | Marleen Gorris | Netherlands |
1982 | The Draughtsman's Contract | Peter Greenaway | United Kingdom |
1982 | Koyaanisqatsi | Godfrey Reggio | United States |
1982 | The King of Comedy | Martin Scorsese | United States |
1983 | A Christmas Story | Bob Clark | United States, Canada |
1983 | L'argent | Robert Bresson | France, Switzerland |
1983 | The Right Stuff | Philip Kaufman | United States |
1983 | The Big Chill | Lawrence Kasdan | United States |
1983 | Sans soleil | Chris Marker | France |
1983 | Return of the Jedi | Richard Marquand | United States |
1983 | Narayama bushikô | Shōhei Imamura | Japan |
1983 | Terms of Endearment | James L. Brooks | United States |
1983 | El Norte | Gregory Nava | United States, United Kingdom |
1983 | De vierde man | Paul Verhoeven | Netherlands |
1983 | Videodrome | David Cronenberg | United States, Canada |
1983 | Scarface | Brian De Palma | United States |
1983 | Local Hero | Bill Forsyth | United Kingdom |
1984 | Amadeus | Miloš Forman | United States |
1984 | Once Upon a Time in America | Sergio Leone | United States, Italy |
1984 | The Terminator | James Cameron | United States |
1984 | The Natural | Barry Levinson | United States |
1984 | Ghostbusters | Ivan Reitman | United States |
1984 | Paris, Texas | Wim Wenders | United Kingdom, Germany, France |
1984 | A Nightmare on Elm Street | Wes Craven | United States |
1984 | This Is Spinal Tap | Rob Reiner | United States |
1984 | A Passage to India | David Lean | United Kingdom |
1984 | Beverly Hills Cop | Martin Brest | United States |
1984 | The Killing Fields | Roland Joffé | United Kingdom |
1984 | Stranger Than Paradise | Jim Jarmusch | United States, Germany |
1985 | Back to the Future | Robert Zemeckis | United States |
1985 | Prizzi's Honor | John Huston | United States |
1985 | Tóngnián wangshì | Hou Hsiao-hsien | Taiwan |
1985 | The Breakfast Club | John Hughes | United States |
1985 | Idi i smotri | Elem Klimov | Russia (USSR) |
1985 | Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters | Paul Schrader | United States |
1985 | Out of Africa | Sydney Pollack | United States |
1985 | Ran | Akira Kurosawa | Japan, France |
1985 | Brazil | Terry Gilliam | United Kingdom |
1985 | Kiss of the Spider Woman | Héctor Babenco | Brazil, United States, Argentina |
1985 | The Quiet Earth | Geoff Murphy | New Zealand |
1985 | The Purple Rose of Cairo | Woody Allen | United States |
1985 | Sans toit ni loi | Agnès Varda | United Kingdom, France |
1985 | Shoah | Claude Lanzmann | France |
1985 | The Color Purple | Steven Spielberg | United States |
1985 | A Room with a View | James Ivory | United Kingdom |
1985 | Sherman's March | Ross McElwee | United States |
1985 | Tampopo | Juzo Itami | Japan |
1986 | Aliens | James Cameron | United States, United Kingdom |
1986 | Manhunter | Michael Mann | United States |
1986 | Blue Velvet | David Lynch | United States |
1986 | Hannah and Her Sisters | Woody Allen | United States |
1986 | She's Gotta Have It | Spike Lee | United States |
1986 | Children of a Lesser God | Randa Haines | United States |
1986 | Caravaggio | Derek Jarman | United Kingdom |
1986 | Salvador | Oliver Stone | United States |
1986 | Platoon | Oliver Stone | United States |
1986 | Down by Law | Jim Jarmusch | United States, Germany |
1986 | Le déclin de l'empire américain | Denys Arcand | Canada |
1986 | Do ma daan | Tsui Hark | Hong Kong |
1986 | Ferris Bueller's Day Off | John Hughes | United States |
1986 | The Fly | David Cronenberg | United States |
1986 | Top Gun | Tony Scott | United States |
1986 | Stand by Me | Rob Reiner | United States |
1986 | Dao ma zei | Tian Zhuangzhuang | China |
1986 | Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer | John McNaughton | United States |
1987 | Au revoir les enfants | Louis Malle | France, Germany |
1987 | Babettes gæstebud | Gabriel Axel | Denmark |
1987 | Raising Arizona | Joel Coen | United States |
1987 | Yeelen | Souleymane Cissé | Mali |
1987 | Der Himmel über Berlin | Wim Wenders | Germany, France |
1987 | Withnail & I | Bruce Robinson | United Kingdom |
1987 | The Princess Bride | Rob Reiner | United States |
1987 | Sien nui yau wan | Ching Siu-Tung | Hong Kong |
1987 | Full Metal Jacket | Stanley Kubrick | United States |
1987 | Broadcast News | James L. Brooks | United States |
1987 | Good Morning, Vietnam | Barry Levinson | United States |
1987 | Moonstruck | Norman Jewison | United States |
1987 | Wall Street | Oliver Stone | United States |
1987 | The Untouchables | Brian De Palma | United States |
1987 | Hong gao liang | Zhang Yimou | China |
1987 | Fatal Attraction | Adrian Lyne | United States |
1987 | The Dead | John Huston | United States |
1987 | RoboCop | Paul Verhoeven | United States |
1987 | Akira | Katsuhiro Otomo | Japan |
1987 | Neco z Alenky | Jan Švankmajer | Czechia (Czechoslovakia) |
1988 | Ariel | Aki Kaurismäki | Finland |
1988 | Bull Durham | Ron Shelton | United States |
1988 | Hôtel Terminus | Marcel Ophüls | France, United States |
1988 | Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios | Pedro Almodóvar | Spain |
1988 | Spoorloos | George Sluizer | Netherlands, France |
1988 | The Thin Blue Line | Errol Morris | United States |
1988 | A Fish Called Wanda | Charles Crichton | United States |
1988 | Une histoire de vent | Joris Ivens, Marceline Loridan | Netherlands, United Kingdom, France, Germany |
1988 | The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! | David Zucker | United States |
1988 | Nuovo Cinema Paradiso | Giuseppe Tornatore | Italy, France |
1988 | Hotaru no haka | Isao Takahata | Japan |
1988 | Big | Penny Marshall | United States |
1988 | Who Framed Roger Rabbit | Robert Zemeckis | United States |
1988 | Rain Man | Barry Levinson | United States |
1988 | Die Hard | John McTiernan | United States |
1988 | Dangerous Liaisons | Stephen Frears | United States, United Kingdom |
1988 | Dead Ringers | David Cronenberg | Canada, United States |
1988 | Distant Voices, Still Lives | Terence Davies | United Kingdom |
1989 | Dekalog | Krzysztof Kieślowski | Poland |
1989 | When Harry Met Sally.. | Rob Reiner | United States |
1989 | Crimes and Misdemeanors | Woody Allen | United States |
1989 | Batman | Tim Burton | United States |
1989 | Field of Dreams | Phil Alden Robinson | United States |
1989 | Glory | Edward Zwick | United States |
1989 | The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover | Peter Greenaway | France, Netherlands, United Kingdom, |
1989 | My Left Foot | Jim Sheridan | Ireland, United Kingdom |
1989 | Dip huet seung hung | John Woo | Hong Kong |
1989 | Drugstore Cowboy | Gus Van Sant | United States |
1989 | Do the Right Thing | Spike Lee | United States |
1989 | The Unbelievable Truth | Hal Hartley | United States |
1989 | Roger & Me | Michael Moore | United States |
1989 | Sex, Lies, and Videotape | Steven Soderbergh | United States |
1989 | Beiqíng chéngshì | Hou Hsiao-hsien | Taiwan |
1989 | Tongues Untied | Marlon Riggs | United States |
1990 | Astenicheskiy sindrom | Kira Muratova | Russia (USSR) |
1990 | Archangel | Guy Maddin | Canada |
1990 | Trust | Hal Hartley | United States, United Kingdom |
1990 | S'en fout la mort | Claire Denis | France, Germany |
1990 | Goodfellas | Martin Scorsese | United States |
1990 | Nema-ye Nazdik | Abbas Kiarostami | Iran |
1990 | King of New York | Abel Ferrara | United States, Italy |
1990 | Pretty Woman | Garry Marshall | United States |
1990 | Dances with Wolves | Kevin Costner | United States |
1990 | Total Recall | Paul Verhoeven | United States |
1990 | Edward Scissorhands | Tim Burton | United States |
1990 | Europa Europa | Agnieszka Holland | Germany, France, Poland |
1991 | Ruan Lingyu | Stanley Kwan | Hong Kong |
1991 | Boyz n the Hood | John Singleton | United States |
1991 | La belle noiseuse | Jacques Rivette | France, Switzerland |
1991 | The Rapture | Michael Tolkin | United States |
1991 | Gu ling jie shao nian sha ren shi jian | Edward Yang | Taiwan |
1991 | JFK | Oliver Stone | United States |
1991 | Slacker | Richard Linklater | United States |
1991 | Wong Fei Hung | Tsui Hark | Hong Kong |
1991 | Thelma & Louise | Ridley Scott | United States |
1991 | My Own Private Idaho | Gus Van Sant | United States |
1991 | The Silence of the Lambs | Jonathan Demme | United States |
1991 | Terminator 2: Judgment Day | James Cameron | United States, France |
1991 | Delicatessen | Jean-Pierre Jeunet, Marc Caro | France |
1991 | La double vie de Veronique | Krzysztof Kieślowski | France, Poland, Norway |
1991 | Da hong deng long gao gao gua | Zhang Yimou | China, Hong Kong, Taiwan |
1991 | Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse | Fax Bahr, George Hickenlooper, Eleanor Coppola | United States |
1992 | Romper Stomper | Geoffrey Wright | Australia |
1992 | Strictly Ballroom | Baz Luhrmann | Australia |
1992 | The Player | Robert Altman | United States |
1992 | Reservoir Dogs | Quentin Tarantino | United States |
1992 | Glengarry Glen Ross | James Foley | United States |
1992 | Conte d'hiver | Éric Rohmer | France |
1992 | Unforgiven | Clint Eastwood | United States |
1992 | C'est arrivé près de chez vous | Rémy Belvaux, André Bonzel, Benoît Poelvoorde | Belgium |
1992 | The Crying Game | Neil Jordan | United Kingdom, Japan |
1993 | Ba wang bie ji | Chen Kaige | China |
1993 | Lan feng zheng | Tian Zhuangzhuang | China |
1993 | Philadelphia | Jonathan Demme | United States |
1993 | Xi meng ren sheng | Hou Hsiao-hsien | Taiwan |
1993 | Short Cuts | Robert Altman | United States |
1993 | Schindler's List | Steven Spielberg | United States |
1993 | Trois couleurs: Bleu | Krzysztof Kieślowski | France, Poland, Switzerland |
1993 | Groundhog Day | Harold Ramis | United States |
1993 | The Piano | Jane Campion | Australia, New Zealand, France |
1993 | Xi yan | Ang Lee | Taiwan, United States |
1993 | Thirty Two Short Films About Glenn Gould | François Girard | Canada, Portugal, Netherlands, Finland |
1993 | Jurassic Park | Steven Spielberg | United States |
1993 | Caro diario | Nanni Moretti | Italy, France |
1994 | The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert | Stephan Elliott | Australia |
1994 | The Lion King | Roger Allers, Rob Minkoff | United States |
1994 | The Last Seduction | John Dahl | United States |
1994 | Les roseaux sauvages | André Téchiné | France |
1994 | Crumb | Terry Zwigoff | United States |
1994 | Heavenly Creatures | Peter Jackson | United Kingdom, Germany, New Zealand |
1994 | Pulp Fiction | Quentin Tarantino | United States |
1994 | Trois couleurs: Rouge | Krzysztof Kieślowski | France, Poland, Switzerland |
1994 | Natural Born Killers | Oliver Stone | United States |
1994 | Muriel's Wedding | P. J. Hogan | Australia, France |
1994 | Hoop Dreams | Steve James | United States |
1994 | Sátántangó | Béla Tarr | Hungary, Germany, Switzerland |
1994 | Clerks | Kevin Smith | United States |
1994 | Four Weddings and a Funeral | Mike Newell | United Kingdom |
1994 | Forrest Gump | Robert Zemeckis | United States |
1994 | Zire darakhatan zeyton | Abbas Kiarostami | France, Iran |
1994 | The Shawshank Redemption | Frank Darabont | United States |
1994 | Chung Hing sam lam | Wong Kar-wai | Hong Kong |
1994 | Riget | Lars von Trier | Denmark, France, Germany, Sweden |
1995 | Babe | Chris Noonan | Australia, United States |
1995 | Braveheart | Mel Gibson | United States |
1995 | Deseret | James Benning | United States |
1995 | Se7en | David Fincher | United States |
1995 | Smoke | Wayne Wang | United States, Germany |
1995 | Badkonake sefid | Jafar Panahi | Iran |
1995 | Underground | Emir Kusturica | France, Serbia (Yugoslavia), Germany, Hungary |
1995 | Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge | Aditya Chopra | India |
1995 | Xích lô | Trần Anh Hùng | Vietnam, France |
1995 | Clueless | Amy Heckerling | United States |
1995 | Safe | Todd Haynes | United States, United Kingdom |
1995 | Heat | Michael Mann | United States |
1995 | Toy Story | John Lasseter | United States |
1995 | Dead Man | Jim Jarmusch | United States, Germany, Japan |
1995 | The Usual Suspects | Bryan Singer | United States, Germany |
1995 | Kjærlighetens kjøtere | Hans Petter Moland | Norway, Sweden |
1996 | Trainspotting | Danny Boyle | United Kingdom |
1996 | Fargo | Joel Coen | United States, United Kingdom |
1996 | Gabbeh | Mohsen Makhmalbaf | Iran, France |
1996 | Trois vies et une seule mort | Raúl Ruiz | France, Portugal |
1996 | Shine | Scott Hicks | Australia |
1996 | Scream | Wes Craven | United States |
1996 | Secrets & Lies | Mike Leigh | France, United Kingdom |
1996 | The English Patient | Anthony Minghella | United States |
1996 | Lone Star | John Sayles | United States |
1996 | Breaking the Waves | Lars von Trier | Denmark, Sweden, France, Netherlands, Norway |
1996 | Independence Day | Roland Emmerich | United States |
1997 | Abre los ojos | Alejandro Amenábar | Spain, France, Italy |
1997 | The Ice Storm | Ang Lee | United States |
1997 | Hana-bi | Takeshi Kitano | Japan |
1997 | Boogie Nights | Paul Thomas Anderson | United States |
1997 | L.A. Confidential | Curtis Hanson | United States |
1997 | Funny Games | Michael Haneke | Austria |
1997 | The Sweet Hereafter | Atom Egoyan | Canada |
1997 | Titanic | James Cameron | United States |
1997 | Ta'm e guilass | Abbas Kiarostami | Iran |
1998 | Saving Private Ryan | Steven Spielberg | United States |
1998 | Lola rennt | Tom Tykwer | Germany |
1998 | Rushmore | Wes Anderson | United States |
1998 | Festen | Thomas Vinterberg | Denmark |
1998 | Buffalo '66 | Vincent Gallo | United States |
1998 | Ringu | Hideo Nakata | Japan |
1998 | Happiness | Todd Solondz | United States |
1998 | The Thin Red Line | Terrence Malick | Canada, United States |
1999 | Todo sobre mi madre | Pedro Almodóvar | Spain, France |
1999 | American Beauty | Sam Mendes | United States |
1999 | Ôdishon | Takashi Miike | Japan, South Korea |
1999 | Toy Story 2 | John Lasseter | United States |
1999 | The Blair Witch Project | Daniel Myrick, Eduardo Sánchez | United States |
1999 | Being John Malkovich | Spike Jonze | United States |
1999 | The Sixth Sense | M. Night Shyamalan | United States |
1999 | Three Kings | David O. Russell | United States |
1999 | Magnolia | Paul Thomas Anderson | United States |
1999 | Fight Club | David Fincher | United States |
1999 | Beau travail | Claire Denis | France |
1999 | The Matrix | The Wachowskis | United States |
2000 | Les glaneurs et la glaneuse | Agnès Varda | France |
2000 | Faa yeung nin wa | Wong Kar-wai | France, Hong Kong |
2000 | Gladiator | Ridley Scott | United Kingdom, United States |
2000 | Kippur | Amos Gitai | France, Israel |
2000 | Yi yi | Edward Yang | Taiwan, Japan |
2000 | Requiem for a Dream | Darren Aronofsky | United States |
2000 | Amores perros | Alejandro G. Iñárritu | Mexico |
2000 | Memento | Christopher Nolan | United States |
2000 | Wo hu cang long | Ang Lee | United States, Hong Kong, China, Taiwan |
2001 | The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring | Peter Jackson | United States, New Zealand |
2001 | Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi | Hayao Miyazaki | United States, Japan |
2001 | No Man's Land | Danis Tanović | Bosnia, Slovenia, Italy, France, United Kingdom, Belgium |
2002 | The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers | Peter Jackson | United States, New Zealand |
2002 | Gangs of New York | Martin Scorsese | United States |
2002 | Russkiy kovcheg | Alexander Sokurov | Russia |
2002 | Bowling for Columbine | Michael Moore | United States |
2002 | Cidade de Deus | Fernando Meirelles, Kátia Lund | Brazil, France |
2002 | Hable con ella | Pedro Almodóvar | Spain |
2003 | Aileen: Life and Death of a Serial Killer | Nick Broomfield | United Kingdom |
2003 | The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King | Peter Jackson | United States, New Zealand |
2003 | Elephant | Gus Van Sant | United States |
2003 | Oldeuboi | Park Chan-wook | South Korea |
2003 | Good Bye Lenin! | Wolfgang Becker | Germany |
2003 | Osama | Siddiq Barmak | Afghanistan |
2004 | Gegen die Wand | Fatih Akın | Germany, Turkey |
2004 | Le conseguenze dell'amore | Paolo Sorrentino | Italy |
2004 | Moolaadé | Ousmane Sembène | Senegal |
2004 | Der Untergang | Oliver Hirschbiegel | Germany, Italy, Austria |
2005 | Tsotsi | Gavin Hood | South Africa |
2005 | Brokeback Mountain | Ang Lee | United States |
2006 | El laberinto del fauno | Guillermo del Toro | Mexico, Spain, United States |
2006 | Das Leben der Anderen | Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck | Germany |
2007 | Paranormal Activity | Oren Peli | United States |
2007 | There Will Be Blood | Paul Thomas Anderson | United States |
2008 | The Hurt Locker | Kathryn Bigelow | United States |
2008 | The Dark Knight | Christopher Nolan | United States |
2008 | Låt den rätte komma in | Tomas Alfredson | Sweden |
2009 | District 9 | Neill Blomkamp | United States, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa |
2009 | Avatar | James Cameron | United States |
2010 | Toy Story 3 | Lee Unkrich | United States |
2010 | Inception | Christopher Nolan | United States, United Kingdom |
2010 | Nostalgia de la luz | Patricio Guzmán | Chile |
2010 | The Social Network | David Fincher | United States |
2011 | The Artist | Michel Hazanavicius | France |
2012 | The Cabin in the Woods | Drew Goddard | United States |
2012 | Lincoln | Steven Spielberg | United States |
2012 | Wadjda | Haifaa al-Mansour | Saudi Arabia |
2013 | 12 Years a Slave | Steve McQueen | United States, United Kingdom |
2013 | La grande bellezza | Paolo Sorrentino | Italy |
2013 | Gravity | Alfonso Cuarón | United States |
2013 | La vie d'Adèle | Abdellatif Kechiche | France |
2014 | Boyhood | Richard Linklater | United States |
2014 | Birdman | Alejandro G. Iñárritu | United States |
2014 | The Grand Budapest Hotel | Wes Anderson | United States |
2015 | Star Wars: The Force Awakens | J. J. Abrams | United States |
2015 | The Revenant | Alejandro G. Iñárritu | United States |
2015 | Saul fia | László Nemes | Hungary |
2015 | Spotlight | Tom McCarthy | United States |
2015 | Tangerine | Sean Baker | United States |
2015 | Mad Max: Fury Road | George Miller | Australia |
2015 | Victoria | Sebastian Schipper | Germany |
2016 | La La Land | Damien Chazelle | United States |
2016 | Hell or High Water | David Mackenzie | United States |
2016 | The Jungle Book | Jon Favreau | United States |
2016 | Jackie | Pablo Larraín | United States |
2016 | Toni Erdmann | Maren Ade | Germany, Austria |
2016 | Under the Shadow | Babak Anvari | Iran |
2016 | Manchester by the Sea | Kenneth Lonergan | United States |
2016 | 13th | Ava DuVernay | United States |
2016 | I, Daniel Blake | Ken Loach | United Kingdom |
2016 | Arrival | Denis Villeneuve | United States |
2016 | Moonlight | Barry Jenkins | United States |
Most nominated directors[edit]
| Most nominated countries[edit]
Jason Solomons, who writes movie columns for The Observer and The Mail on Sunday, contributed the book foreword; as of the '5th anniversary' edition over 70 critics contributed essays (of up to 500 words) on the films, including: Geoff Andrew, Linda Badley, Kathryn Bergeron, Garrett Chaffin-Quiway, Roumiana Deltcheva, Nezih Erdogan, Jean-Michel Frodon, Chris Fujiwara, Tom Gunning, Ernest Hardy, Aniko Imre, Kyung Hyun Kim, Frank Lafond, Adrian Martin, Kim Newman, Devin Orgeron, Marsha Orgeron, Richard Peña, Margaret Pomeranz, Jonathan Rosenbaum, David Stratton, Adisakdi Tantimedh, Michael Tapper, Sam Umland, Matt Venne, Ginette Vincendeau, Andy Willis, and Josephine Woll.
- Schneider, Steven Jay, ed. (2019). 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die. Quintessence Editions (13th ed.). Hauppauge, New York: Barron's Educational Series. p. 960. ISBN978-1438050751. OCLC1089439153. (cover: A Star Is Born)
- Schneider, Steven Jay, ed. (2018). 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die. Quintessence Editions (12th ed.). Hauppauge, New York: Barron's Educational Series. p. 960. ISBN978-1788400794. OCLC1032028634. (cover: Blade Runner 2049)
- Schneider, Steven Jay, ed. (2017). 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die. Quintessence Editions (11th ed.). Hauppauge, New York: Barron's Educational Series. p. 960. ISBN978-1438050065. OCLC1016549609. (cover: Arrival - US / Moonlight - UK)
- Schneider, Steven Jay, ed. (2016). 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die. Quintessence Editions (11th ed.). Hauppauge, New York: Barron's Educational Series. p. 960. ISBN978-1844038893. OCLC967496885. (cover: The Revenant)
- Schneider, Steven Jay, ed. (2015). 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die. Quintessence Editions (9th ed.). Hauppauge, New York: Barron's Educational Series. p. 960. ISBN978-1844037339. OCLC796279948. (cover: Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) in the paperback, a poster montage in the hardcover)
- Schneider, Steven Jay, ed. (2014). 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die. Quintessence Editions (7th ed.). Hauppauge, New York: Barron's Educational Series. p. 960. ISBN978-1844037339. OCLC1028461761. (cover: Gravity)
- Schneider, Steven Jay, ed. (2013). 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die. Quintessence Editions (6th ed.). Hauppauge, New York: Barron's Educational Series. p. 960. ISBN978-1844037339. OCLC828076912. (cover: Life of Pi)
- Schneider, Steven Jay, ed. (2012). 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die. Quintessence Editions (5th ed.). Hauppauge, New York: Barron's Educational Series. p. 960. ISBN978-1844037339. OCLC796279948. (cover: Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy)
- Schneider, Steven Jay, ed. (2011). 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die. Quintessence Editions (4th ed.). Hauppauge, New York: Barron's Educational Series. p. 960. ISBN978-0-7641-6422-4. OCLC729687278. (cover: Black Swan – US / Inception – UK)
- Schneider, Steven Jay, ed. (2010). 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die. Quintessence Editions (3rd updated ed.). Hauppauge, New York: Barron's Educational Series. p. 960. ISBN978-1-84403-680-6. OCLC645677397. (cover: Avatar)
- Schneider, Steven Jay, ed. (2009). 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die. Quintessence Editions (3rd updated ed.). Hauppauge, New York: Barron's Educational Series. p. 960. ISBN978-1-84403-680-6. OCLC403468162. (cover: The Dark Knight)
- Schneider, Steven Jay, ed. (2008). 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die. Quintessence Editions (5th Anniversary/3rd ed.). Hauppauge, New York: Barron's Educational Series. p. 960. ISBN978-0-7641-6151-3. OCLC213305397. (cover: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom)
- Schneider, Steven Jay, ed. (2007). 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die. Quintessence Editions (Updated 2nd ed.). Hauppauge, New York: Barron's Educational Series. p. 960. ISBN978-0-7641-5907-7. OCLC271666651. (cover: Return of the Jedi)
- Schneider, Steven Jay, ed. (2005). 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die. Quintessence Editions (2nd ed.). Hauppauge, New York: Barron's Educational Series. p. 960. ISBN978-0-7641-5907-7. OCLC225055129. (cover: The Shining)
- Schneider, Steven Jay, ed. (2003). 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die. Quintessence Editions (1st ed.). Hauppauge, New York: Barron's Educational Series. p. 960. ISBN978-0-7641-5701-1. OCLC717072823. (cover: Psycho / Pulp Fiction)
- Schneider, Steven Jay, ed. (2003). 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die. Quintessence Editions. Sydney: ABC Books for Australian Broadcasting Corp. p. 960. ISBN978-0-7333-1315-8. OCLC62539484. (cover: Psycho)
- Source: WorldCat
See also[edit]

- ^'Best sellers'. The Sunday Telegraph. 18 April 2004. Archived from the original on 10 October 2007. Retrieved 16 July 2007.
- ^My Favourite FilmArchived 2007-09-14 at the Wayback Machine, Australian Broadcasting Corporation
- ^Schneider, Steven Jay; Smith, Ian Haydn (2017). 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die, 7th edition. Barron's Educational Series. ISBN9781438065212.
Further reading[edit]
- Bernard Trink (20 April 2007). 'As Good as They Come'. Bangkok Post. p. R11.
- Ron Rollins (30 January 2005). 'Read the book then see the movies'. Dayton Daily News. p. F1.
- Abl Wild (12 November 2003). '1001 ways to give cinema new scope'. The Herald. p. 13.
- Peter Haran (23 May 2004). 'The must-see movies of all time'. Sunday Mail. p. 84.
External links[edit]
- 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die from Barron's Educational Series, with A Peek Inside (ten sample essays from the book)