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1 | Kringe in 'n Bos by score: 2,688, and27 people voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
2 | Fiela se Kind by score: 1,778, and18 people voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
3 | Die Swerfjare van Poppie Nongena by score: 886, and9 people voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
4 | Thirteen Hours (Benny Griessel, #2) by score: 693, and7 people voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
5 | BYLEVELD Dossier van 'n baasspeurder by score: 691, and7 people voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
6 | Die ongelooflike avonture van Hanna Hoekom by score: 681, and7 people voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
7 | Weerkaatsings by score: 678, and7 people voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
8 | Dis Ek, Anna by score: 590, and6 people voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
9 | Fees Van Die Ongenooides by score: 588, and6 people voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
10 | Pieternella van die Kaap by score: 578, and6 people voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
11 | Brug van die esels by score: 555, and6 people voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
12 | Man van Ciréne by score: 475, and5 people voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
13 | Agaat by score: 376, and4 people voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
14 | Die tweede verslag van ’n buitengewone ontmoeting by score: 370, and4 people voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
15 | Daar het 'n ster verskyn by score: 368, and4 people voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
16 | Bitter Heuning by score: 365, and4 people voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
17 | Die Heuningwolk by score: 290, and3 people voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
18 | Op die Sonpad by score: 288, and3 people voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
19 | Plek Van Die Bruin Geeste by score: 287, and3 people voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
20 | Diana: Van Feëprinses tot Tragiese Ikoon by score: 285, and3 people voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
21 | Mahala by score: 281, and3 people voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
22 | Toring se Baai by score: 279, and3 people voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
23 | Stiltetyd by score: 276, and3 people voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
24 | Sewe dae by die Silbersteins by score: 273, and3 people voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
25 | Die Ambassadeur by score: 270, and3 people voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
26 | Boom, bomer, boomste by score: 269, and3 people voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
27 | Gezina en die bruin wind by score: 268, and3 people voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
28 | Karolina Ferreira by score: 265, and3 people voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
29 | Die ander Marta by score: 264, and3 people voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
30 | Koors by score: 195, and2 people voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
31 | The Rights of Desire by score: 190, and2 people voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
32 | Vuur Op Die Horison by score: 186, and2 people voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
33 | Oom Kootjie Emmer by score: 181, and2 people voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
34 | By fakkellig by score: 180, and2 people voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
34 | Germanicus by score: 180, and2 people voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
36 | Die Evangelis Van Kaggelsberg by score: 179, and2 people voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
37 | Die hart van ons huis by score: 178, and2 people voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
38 | Die swye van Mario Salviati by score: 175, and2 people voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
39 | Die Nes by score: 172, and2 people voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
40 | Hoogty by score: 171, and2 people voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
41 | Sirkusboere by score: 170, and2 people voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
42 | Rumours Of Rain by score: 100, and1 person voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
42 | Die groot verlange: Die verhaal van Eugène N. Marais by score: 100, and1 person voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
42 | Huilboek by score: 100, and1 person voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
45 | Kospotte van Egipte en Italië by score: 99, and1 person voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
45 | Nuut onder die son by score: 99, and1 person voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
47 | Spieserye by score: 97, and1 person voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
48 | Die reuk van appels by score: 95, and1 person voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
49 | Sorg by score: 92, and1 person voted | Rate this book 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars |
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