Download Avatar The Legend Of Korra Book 1 Episode 11 Sub Indo
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Abhishekam serial today episode. C-Anime Tempatnya nonton Avatar: The Legend Of Korra Book 1 Episode 11 Subtitle Indonesia, Tempat nongkrongnya anime lover. C-Anime Tempatnya nonton Avatar: The Legend Of Korra Book 1 Episode 11 Subtitle Indonesia, Tempat nongkrongnya anime lover.
Avatar : The Legend of Korra Book 2 Episode 1 - 14 On Going [Sub Indo] |
Dated Released : 13 September 2013
Info :
Star : Lysa Edelstein, Aubrey Plaza, James Remar
Download :
Episode 1 - 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6 Episode 7 Episode 8 Episode 9 Episode 10 Episode 11 - Episode 12 Episode 13 Episode 14
Password : mad4pirates if needed .
Password : mad4pirates if needed .
Info :
'13 October- 5 - Update Episode 5
- 13 - Update Episode 6
- 20 - Update Episode 7
- 27 - Update Episode 8
'13 November
- 3 - Update Episode 9
- 10 - Update Episode 10
- 17 - Update Episode 11 - 12 - 13 -14 Final
Sinopsis :
6 bulan setelah mengalahkan Amon. Korra dan kawan-kawan kembali beraksi. Bolin masih sibuk dengan pro bending, Mako menjadi polisi, dan Korra kembali berlatih pengendalian udara agar bisa menguasainya.
Avatar : The Legend of Korra Book 2 Episode 1 - 14 End [Sub Indo]
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Subtitle : Indonesia
Book 1 : Air (Udara)
1. The Legend of Korra Book 1 episode 1 (download subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)
2. The Legend of Korra Book 1 episode 2 (download subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)
3. The Legend of Korra Book 1 episode 3 (download subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)
4. The Legend of Korra Book 1 episode 4 (download subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)
5. The Legend of Korra Book 1 episode 5 (download subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)
6. The Legend of Korra Book 1 episode 6 (download subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)
7. The Legend of Korra Book 1 episode 7 (download subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)
8. The Legend of Korra Book 1 episode 8 (download subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)
9. The Legend of Korra Book 1 episode 9 (download subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)
10. The Legend of Korra Book 1 episode 10 (download subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)

11-12. The Legend of Korra Book 1 episode 11-12 (download subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)
Book 2 : Spirit (Roh)
1-2. The Legend of Korra Book 2 episode 13-14 (download subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)

3. The Legend of Korra Book 2 episode 15 (download subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)
4. The Legend of Korra Book 2 episode 16 (download subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)
5. The Legend of Korra Book 2 episode 17 (download subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)
6. The Legend of Korra Book 2 episode 18 (download subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)
7. The Legend of Korra Book 2 episode 19 (download subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)
8. The Legend of Korra Book 2 episode 20 (download subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)
9. The Legend of Korra Book 2 episode 21 (download subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)

11. The Legend of Korra Book 2 episode 23-24 (download subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)
12. The Legend of Korra Book 2 episode 25 (download subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)
13. The Legend of Korra Book 2 episode 26 (download subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)
Book 3 : Change (Perubahan)
1-2. The Legend of Korra episode 27-28 (download subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)
3. The Legend of Korra episode 29 (download subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)
4. The Legend of Korra episode 30 (download subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)
5. The Legend of Korra episode 31 (download subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)
6. The Legend of Korra episode 32 (download subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)
7. The Legend of Korra episode 33 (download subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)
8. The Legend of Korra episode 34 (download subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)
9. The Legend of Korra episode 35 (download subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)
10. The Legend of Korra episode 36 (download subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)
11. The Legend of Korra episode 37 (download subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)
12. The Legend of Korra episode 38 (download subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)
13. The Legend of Korra episode 39 (download subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)
Book 4 : Balance (Keseimbangan)
1. The Legend of Korra episode 40 (download subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)
2. The Legend of Korra episode 41 (download subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)
3. The Legend of Korra episode 42 (download subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)
4. The Legend of Korra episode 43 (download subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)
5. The Legend of Korra episode 44 (download subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)
6. The Legend of Korra episode 45 (download subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)
7. The Legend of Korra episode 46 (download subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)
8. The Legend of Korra episode 47 (download subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)
9. The Legend of Korra episode 48 (download subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)
10. The Legend of Korra episode 49 (download subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)
11. The Legend of Korra episode 50 (download subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)
12-13. The Legend of Korra episode 51-52 (download subtitle Bahasa Indonesia)