Bully Scholarship Edition Save Game Chapter 3
Indeed, Inno Setup does not support uninstalling components. Inno setup check if already installed. For a similar question (and maybe better), see: For checking of installed components, I'd rather suggest you to check for existence of files corresponding to the component. Anyway, to answer your actual question: If you want to scan the Inno Setup: Selected Components entry, you can use this function: function ItemExistsInList(Item: string; List: string): Boolean; var S: string; P: Integer; begin Result:= False; while (not Result) and (List '') do begin P:= Pos(',', List); if P > 0 then begin S:= Copy(List, 1, P - 1); Delete(List, 1, P); end else begin S:= List; List:= ''; end; Result:= (CompareText(S, Item) = 0); end; end; Note that the uninstall key can be present in HKCU (not in HKLM) under certain circumstances.
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